
The School of Arts is undertaking five major national research projects, one key national project, and  one cultural inheritance project.

Professor ZHOU Xian, “A Comparative Philology Study of Western Aesthetic Classics and Their Communication and Reception in China,” major project supported by National Social Science Foundation, 2017-.

Professor KANG Er, “Construction of an Inheritance Base of Yixing Clay Art to Promote Splendid Chinese Culture,” Ministry of Education Cultural Heritage Project, 2017- , annual. 

Professor HE Chengzhou, “A Study on the Frontiers of Contemporary European and American Drama Theory,” major art project supported by National Social Science Foundation, 2018.

Professor ZHAO Kuiying, “A Studyon the Contemporary Construction of Semiotics of Arts,” key project supported by National Social Science Foundation, 2019.

Professor ZHAO Kuiying, “A Studyon Important Aesthetic Issues in Contemporary Art,” major project supported by National Social Science Foundation, 2020.

Professor ZHOU Jiwu, “A Studyon the IntermedialConstruction of Art Theory and Its Epistemology,” major art project supported by National Social Science Foundation, 2020.

Professor HUANG Houming, “Documentationand Research of the Archaeological Record of Chinese Art,” major art project supported by National Social Science Foundation, 2021.