
Since its establishment in 2017, the School of Arts has undertaken the important task of public art education for all undergraduate students of Nanjing University, and has offered more than 100 courses (general studies, cultural quality elective courses, innovation and entrepreneurship courses, freshman seminars, and cultural and creative experimental courses) (see the table below). 


Since the fall semester of 2021, the core courses of aesthetic education offered by our school (including six courses of literary humanities, visual humanities, music humanities, drama humanities, media humanities, and craft humanities) have become compulsory undergraduate courses of Nanjing University, and the 2 credits of the core courses of aesthetic education are counted into the 14 compulsory general credits required for undergraduate graduation.





Creativity and Practice of Sculpture Art

Lu Qinglong

Aesthetic education and aesthetics

Zhao Kuiying

Foundation and practice of ancient Chinese calligraphy and painting appraisal

Fang Xiaozhuang

Chinese painting and its visual logic

Huang Houming

Symphony Music Appreciation

Qian Jun

Structural Drawing

Yang Xiujuan

Piano Music Appreciation

Fan Limeng

A History and Schools of Modern Music

Qian Jun

Piano Training(Advanced)

Fan Limeng

Oil Painting

Yang Xiujuan

Violin(Beginners Level)

Qian Jun

Art and Philosophy

Wei Guangji

Study of Visual Culture

Zhou Xian

Art Principles and Art Classics

Kang Er

Creation Methods and Creative Thinking

Kang Er

Art Sociology

Wang Yong

Violin (Intermediate Level)

Qian Jun

The Marketing of Culture Products

Liu Yi

Gouache Painting Techniques

Lu Qinglong

Piano Training(Basic)

Fan Limeng

Approach to Ancient Chinese Thought and Culture

Tong Qiang

Social Transformation and Mans Wisdom

Tong Qiang

Creative Writing

Yuan Mengqian

ThesisCulture and Creativity

Chen Jing

Practice of Cultural Studies

Wu Weiyi

Art Interpretation

Zhao Kuiying

Oil Painting

Lu Qinglong

Art and Aesthetic

Zhao Kuiying

Appreciating and Curating Art

Andrea Baldini

Art, culture and creativiry:from study to practice

Qi Lin

History of Western Art

Zhou Jiwu

The 20th Century Chinese Art Education

Shang Lianxia

Introduction to Art

Li Jian

Digital Photography Laboratory Course

Chen Jing

History of Chinese and Foreign Art Exchange

Shang Lianxia

History of Western Art

Yang Xiujuan

Appreciation of Chinese and Foreign Art

Yang Xiujuan

Fashion Culture and Luxury Study

Wu Weiyi

Art, Feeling and Representation

Tong Qiang

Music and Ideas

Fan Limeng

Analysis of Film

Ding Shanshan

Chinese Classic Film Appreciation

Ding Shanshan

Culture and Creativity (Advanced)

Qi Lin

Culture CreativeIdea and Practice

Zhou Xian

Introduction to New Media Culture

Chen Jing

The 20th Century Chinese Art Education

Shang Lianxia

Introduction To Art Design

Qi Lin

New Media Culture and Creativity

Wu Weiyi

History of Western Design


Introduction to Cultural Studies

Zhou Jiwu

Western Art History

Andrea Baldini

Appreciation of Chinese Painting and Calligraphy

Huang Zhengming

History and Genres of Modern Music

Qian Jun

Modern Chinese Contemporary Arts and Chinese Society

Li Dan

The Practice of Arts Management

Liu Yi

Culture and Creativity (Advanced)

Qi Lin

Folklore and Design

Li Mu

Folklore and Design

Li Mu

Term Thesis

Chen Jing

Introduction to Design

Wang Shixiao

Innovative Thinking and Methodology of Digital Humanities

Chen Gang

“Art and Cultural Creation” Overseas Field Studies at Italy

Qi Lin

Chinese Tradition and Art

Li Dan

Visual Languages and Generative Art

Chen Jing

General Introduction to Visual Arts of the West and East

Feng Yu

Cultural and creative experiment course

Qi Lin

Literature Humanities

Tong Qiang

Humanities and Visual Arts

Li Jian

Art and history

Huang Houming

Digital Photography Laboratory Course

Chen Jing

Theatre and Humanity

Shi Ke

Media Practice in Humanities

Tie Zhong

Contemporary Cultural Studies and Creative Thinking

Zhou Jiwu

Cases studies on Global Cultural Creativities and Innovation

Xu Zhijun

Avant-innovation Summer School

Chen Jing

Appreciation of East Asian Art

Lin Yinya

Purple clay art and culture

Huang Zhengming

Appreciation of Sculpture

Ji Feng

Culture creative in the horizon of interdiscipline

Zhou Xian

Media and Humanity

Qi Lin

Art Curation Workshop

Chen Jing

Humanities of Crafting

Li Mu

Media and Art

Li Dan

American Art History in Trans-Cultural Contexts

Zhou Xian

Music Humanities

Chen Xinkun

Contemporary art performance

Shi Ke

Art and Mental Health

Wang Yong

Western Art History

Andrea Baldini

Folklore in Modern Life

Li Mu

Appreciation and Sketching of Chinese Paintings

An Pingping

The mystery of film

Ding Shanshan

Performing arts and media

Li Qian

Appreciation and creation of abstract painting

Liu Delong

History of Ancient Chinese Music

Guo Xingxing