
Nanjing University Cambridge University Global Humanities Forum was successfully held


NanjingUniversity - Cambridge University Global Humanities Forum wassuccessfully held in Nanjing University on May 18, 2022. Sixwell-known scholars from Cambridge University, University ofPennsylvania, Fudan University, Ashoka University and other globalelite universities published theme reports on "Global Humanitiesand the Challenges of Our Times", and nearly 150 listenersattended the meeting online.

Thefirst part of the forum was hosted by Li Xiaorong, Director of theOffice of International Cooperation and Exchange of NanjingUniversity. Professor Wang Zhenlin, Vice President of NanjingUniversity, and Professor Anne Ferguson-Smith, Vice President ofCambridge University, jointly signed a memorandum of cooperation. Onbehalf of Cambridge University, Vice Chancellor Anne Ferguson-Smithexpressed her warm wishes for the 120th anniversary of NanjingUniversity. Leadersof the two universities have high hopes for close cooperation basedon the Global Humanities program.

Thesecond part of the forum was the academic seminar on "GlobalHumanities and Challenges of Our Time". Associate ProfessorShruti Kapila, Professor Hans van de Ven, Professor Esra Özvürek,Professor Jean-Michel Rabaté, Assistant Professor Sanjukta Datta,and Professor Bai Tongdong deliveredexcellentlectureson the topic one after another.

Theiracademic presentations covered a wide range of disciplines includingpolitical science, history, religious anthropology, aesthetics, andliterature, and their research interests spanned a wide range ofhistorical and geographical time and space. The lectures receivedenthusiastic responses from the online audience. Professor DanHansong and Associate Researcher Wu Weiyi from Nanjing Universityengaged in a Q&A session with the guest speakers based on theirrespective research interests. Professor Christopher Yang andProfessor He Chengzhou made concluding remarks, wishing for theflourishing development of the Global Humanities Project and therealization of a shared vision.

The NanjingUniversity - Cambridge University Global Humanities Forum is one ofthe series of advanced academic events for the 120th anniversary ofNanjing University in 2022, jointly organized by the School of Artsand the Office of International Cooperation and Exchange of NanjingUniversity. In the future, Nanjing University and the CambridgeUniversity will jointly promote the "Global HumanitiesInitiative", develop close cooperation in humanities research,strengthen academic innovation through lecture series, academicvisits, summer schools, joint research, etc., promote globalhumanities research and connect the world through culture.