
Sun Lin


SUNLin 孙琳


ArtTheory, Iconology

(II) CoursesTaught:

GeneralElective Course for Undergraduates: Artand Aesthetics

(III) ResearchAchievements:


1Participatedin the compilation of the teaching material InterpretingArt: A Reader: NanjingUniversity Press, 2020.


1SunLin. “Tracing to the Source of Semiotics Knowledge of Panofsky’sIconology”, Journalof Beijing Film Academy,No.3, 2021, pp.12-22. (Whole paper Included in Journal Copies Filmand Television Art,No.6, 2021, by Information Centre for Social Sciences, RenminUniversity.)

2SunLin. “A Study on Erwin Panfsky’s ‘Film Iconology’ ”,Journal ofBeijing Film Academy,No.7, 2022, pp.14-22.

3SunLin. “The Time and Space System of Erwin Panofsky’s Art HistoryNarration”, ZhejiangAcademic Journal,No.5, 2022, pp.200-209.

(IV) MajorResearch Projects

1Participatedin the Key Project of National Social Science Fund Researchon Contemporary Construction of Art Semiotics(19AZW005).

2Participatedin the Major Project of National Social Science Fund Researchon Important Aesthetic Issues Raised by Contemporary Art(20&ZD050).

(V) Award andHonor

2019  Awarded the second prize,the Academic Innovation Forum of ArtFrontier Issues forJiangsu Graduate students.

2016OutstandingGraduate of Sichuan Province.

2015 National Scholarship for Postgraduates.

2011 Excellent Student of College Social Practice in Shandong Province.