
Li Qian


LI Qian 李茜


theaterand performance studies

(II)Research Achievements:

BOOK(Monographs and edited volumes)


1AngusFletcher. Allegory: The Theory of a Symbolic Mode. Publish inCommercial Press.  


1Medeain Germany: Cultural Identity and Current Affairs” in Drama(TheJournal of the Central Academy of Drama), 5/2021.  

2Livenessand Mediatization: Theater in the Age of Media” in TheoreticalStudies in Literature and Art,3/2020.

3Translatorin Presence: RomeoCastellucci’sÖdipusder TyranninStageand Screen Review,4/2017.

4SpiritualHome during the Wartime: Jewish Exil Theater in Shanghai” inComparativeLiterature and World Literature,1/2014.

5Translatorof Allegory:The Theory of a Symbolic Mode (AngusFletscher),Beijing: Commercial Press, 2021.

(III)Major Research Projects:

1Participantsin China National Key Research Project in Arts Studies “Frontiersof Contemporary Theatre Theories in the West”, in NanjingUniversity.

2Participantsin research project “Global Theatre Histories”, inLudwig-Maximilians-Universität München.


12019,International Federation for Theatre Research. Presentation: “FromBook to Berlin: Space in Frank Castorf’s Adaptation of DerIdiot”.

22019,International Comparative Literature Association. Presentation:“Medeain Germany: Cultural Identity and Current Affairs”.