
Yuan Mengqian

Associate Research Fellow

Mengqian Yuan 袁梦倩


Filmand Television Art theory and Criticism, Media Culture Studies, LifeStorytelling and Social Memory, Art Therapy and Medical Humanities

(II) CoursesTaught:

1.Undergraduate courses: Creative Writing, Literary Humanities, Storiesof Art

2.Postgraduate courses: The Topics on Transmedia Creativity, ArtCommunication

(III) ResearchAchievements:

Journal Articles

1.MengqianYuan, “Constructing ‘Yanqiao Road’ as the Memorial Space:Content Curation, Interaction Ritual and Digital Memory Practice”,Journalism and MassCommunication 11(2022):26-42.

(Thefull article has been reprinted by Journalism& Communication4 (2023)editedby China Social Science Excellence Full-textDatabase ofRenmin University of China.)

2.MengqianYuan, “Internet Dramas: From Network Traffics to Contents,”GuangmingDaily,23 February 2022.

3.MengqianYuan,“The Intangible Cultural Heritage Communication Based on DouyinShort Video Platform: Content Curation, Participatory Culture andEmpowerment,” ChineseLiterature and Art Review 7(2021): 87-98.

4.MengqianYuan,“Short Video Media Technology, Participatory Culture andEmpowerment,”  ChineseSocial Sciences Today,30 April 2021.

5.MengqianYuan, “Life Storytelling as Methods: Collective Narrative Practice,Trauma Therapy, and Social Intervention,” CulturalStudies 43(2020): 288-298.

6.MengqianYuan, “Telling Family Stories: Media Memory Practice, DefinitionalCeremony, and Communication Empowerment,” NanjingJournal of Social Sciences 9(2020):112-119.

7.MengqianYuan, “The Art Intervention of Cinema: Life Story, TraumaConstruction and Video Empowerment of Depressive Subjects,”AcademicForum 1(2020): 63-70.

8.MengqianYuan & Chujie Chen,“From Knowledge Payment to Knowledge Services: The LegitimacyConstruction of New Media Knowledge Intermediary Organizations,”ShanghaiJournalism Review 2(2020):32-47.

9.MengqianYuan,“TheInteraction of the Cyborgs and the Virtual Idol: The Transmedia Art,Technology and Body,” MediaCriticism9 (2019): 64-73.

10.Mengqian Yuan, “Re-telling Life Stories: Narrative Therapy,Alternative Memory, and Communication Empowerment,” NanjingJournal of Social Sciences 6(2019):114-122.

11.MengqianYuan,“The Body Discourse, Nostalgia and Traumatic Memory of the FilmYouth,” Journalof Beijing Dance Academy2 (2019): 44-50.

12.MengqianYuan,“Video Activism in GreenBulldozer:Practice of Spatial Struggle and Critique of Urban Renewal,”CulturalStudies33 (2018): 54-75.

13.MengqianYuan,“Re-examining the Nostalgia of Hong Kong Cinema in 2016: MemoryCode, Identification and Cultural Imagination,” ContemporaryCinema 4(2017): 119-123.

14.Mengqian Yuan, “TheContestation of ‘the Right to be Forgotten’: Digital Memory andthe Boundary of Privacy in the Era of Big Data,” AcademiaBimestris 4(2015)55-61.

(This paperhas been selected as the model essay for the reading comprehension inChinese Test of the 2018 National College Entrance Examination.)

15.Chujie Chen & MengqianYuan, “Social Media, Professional Other, and the Contest forCultural Authority of Journalists: A Case Study on Ji Xuguang’sControversial Anti-corruption Exposure through Weibo,”Journalism Bimonthly 5(2015):139-148.

16. Mengqian Yuan, “TraumaticWriting, Hong Kong Identity and the National Allegory: Re-reading theHong Kong Film ChessKing,” Journalof 21stCentury 145 (October2014): 62-73.

17. Chujie Chen & MengqianYuan, “Discourses of Journalistic Professionalism among the ChineseJournalistic Community: A Boundary-work Perspective,” Journalism& Communication Studies5 (2014): 55-69.

18. Mengqian Yuan & NingFeng, “On Hong kong FilmIndustry in 2012, ” ContemporaryCinema 4 (2013):93-97.

19. Xufeng Jiang & MengqianYuan, “CommunityCommunication and the Rural Community Culture: A Case Study onFitness Dance in X Town of Jiangsu Province,” NanjingJournal of Social Sciences 1(2013): 54-62.

20. Mengqian Yuan, “Reading theFilm You Are the Appleof My Eye: Nostalgia,Pure Love Consumption and the Carnivalesque of Youth Subculture,”New Films1 (2012): 53-62.

21. Chujie Chen & MengqianYuan, “Problems of and Approaches to Cultural Communication andRural Governance: Rural Cultural Construction in J City of JiangsuProvince,” ChinaRural Survey 3 (2011):87-96.

22. MengqianYuan, “Body Discourseand the Writing of the Cultural Revolution: the Cultural Politics ofXie Jin’s Film HibiscusTown,” Tribuneof Social Sciences 6(2010): 33-38.

(IV) MajorResearch Projects

1.The National Youth Fund Project for Humanities and Social ScienceResearch of the Ministry of Education of PRC “The Research on MediaEntrepreneurship Practice Based on the Perspective of Life Course”,from 2019 to 2024, Project Leader.

2.The Jiangsu Provincial Youth Fund Project for Social Science “TheResearch on Oral History Documentary from the Perspective of SocialMemory”, from 2018 to 2022, Project Leader.

3.TheJiangsu Provincial High-level Talents Project for Innovation andEntrepreneurship “The Research on Nanjing Media Entrepreneurshipand the Construction of Creative City”, from 2018 to 2020, ProjectLeader.

4.Thekey project “Data Centres and the Governance of Territory andLabour” funded by the Australian Research Council, from 2016 to2018, Research Assistant.

5.Theinterdisciplinary project “Measuring Community Benefit in PublicSpace Transformation in Hong Kong’s District” funded by the HongKong Research Grants Council, 2012, Research Assistant.

(V) Award andHonor

OutstandingYoung Teacher Award (2021), The Honorary Title of “Doctor ofInnovation and Entrepreneurship” in Jiangsu Province (2018), HuaxinCultural Creativity Fellowship (2018), National Excellent Paper Awardin Journalism and Communication (2016), Hong Kong PhD Fellowship(2011-2014), Talent Development Scholarship (2014), Reaching OutAward (2014), Best Award in 2012 Film Criticism Contest (2012), BestAward in 2011 “Re-discovering Asia” Arts Criticism MentorshipProgram (2012), Honorary Title of Shanghai Distinguished Graduate(2008), Baosteel Scholarship for National Outstanding Students(2007), Provincial Top 10 Outstanding Youth Nominee Award (2003),etc.