
Wu Weiyi


Wu Weiyi 吴维忆


Arttheory, Global Art History, Cultural Studies

(II) CoursesTaught:


CraftHumanities, New Media Culture and Creativity, Practicing CulturalStudies, Fashion Culture and Luxury Studies



(III) ResearchAchievements



TheIdentity of Zhiqing: The Lost Generation.Routledge 2016. (first author)


A Textbook of CulturalEconomics edited byRuth Towse. Beijing: Higher Education Press 2019. (second translator,200,000 Chinese characters)


1. TheArtist’s Reality: Philosophies of Art byMark Rothko.Nanjing: Nanjing University Press (forthcoming).

2.A Selection of Essential Readings of Western Art Psychology.China Social Sciences Press (forthcoming).



1. Sharing or integration:Rethinking the localization of co-working spaces in Shanghai, in LeeMartin and Nick Wilson eds. ThePalgrave Handbook of Creativity at Work,Basingstoke, Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan, 2018.

2. American modernistscontemplating Asia: Reviewing the journey of Mark Tobey and IsamuNoguchi. AthenaeumReview, 2020(5)


1. Intermedial construction ofthe publicity of art space: A reflection on image-object and bit.Hundred Schools in Arts2022(6).

2. Art and aesthetics asexperiences and reflections on empirical studies: interview withGerald C. Cupchik, Professor of Art Psychology at University ofToronto. JianghaiAcademic Journal2021(6).

3. “Art of our time” andconception of American Modernism. ArtResearch 2020(3).

4. Interpreting objecthood andtheatricality focusing on the dancing body: A comparison between Riceand Work/Travail/Arbeid. Journalof Beijing Dance Academy2019(2).

5. AI art and the legacy ofmodern art. China BookReview 2018(7).

6. Callibrating craftsmanship: Acritical thinking from aesthetic and sociological perspectives.Journal of Nanjing ArtsInstitute (Fine Arts & Design)2018(2).

7. Transforming trajectory,structure feature and reflections on emotions of Wechatcommunication: An analysis on three key events. CulturalStudies 2017,29(2).

8. Mutual explanation of thesubject of digital communication and Lacan’s psychoanalysis. HenanSocial Sciences2016,24(11).

9. Privacy and informationsecurity in the Internet age: Crisis in the West and China’sstrategy. GuangdongSocial Sciences2016(4).

10. Hegemony above the cloud: Acritique of the double metaphors of “Big Data Age”. Explorationand Free Views2015(4).

11.Communication significances ofbig data: An analysis based on Media Field Theory. FujianTribune (Humanities and Social Sciences)2015(6).

12. From craft to art: Newparadigm of protecting handicraft as non-intangible heritage.Cultural Heritag. Studiesin Culture & Art2021(5). (second author)

13. Globalization,cosmopolitanism and the Chinese School of cultural studies: Aninterview with Ning Wang. CulturalStudies 2019(4).(second author)

14. Reformation is the onlywayout for European crisis: An interview with Theo D’haen, chiefeditor of European Review. Explorationand Free Views2016(7). (second author)

15. Ethics of digital media.Cultural Studies2019(4). (translator)

16. Film studies in digitalpost-modern era. Journalof Shanghai University (Social Sciences) 2019(2).(translator)

(IV) MajorResearch Projects


1.“The Dissemination andReception of Chinese Culture in Europe” (21WWWB005), ChineseAcademic Translation Project supported by the National Social ScienceFoundation

2.“Intermedial Performativityand Space Production by Art”, Interdisciplinary Projects for YoungScholars in Humanities, supported by Nanjing University

3.“World City Cultural Spaceand Night Economy (Digitization)”, corporate sponsored

4.“Art Education and RuralRevitalization: Study Camp of Cultural Exploitation of SongxiPrints”, Cultural and Creative Industries Projects, supported byNanjing University


1. “Ethisc of CulturalIndustries”, Major Projects of the National Social ScienceFoundation

2. “A ComparativeBibliographical Research on Western Aesthetic Classics and TheirSpread and Reception in China”, Major Projects of the NationalSocial Science Foundation

3. “Intermedial Construction ofArt Theory and Its Science of Knowledge”, Major Projects on Arts ofthe National Social Science Foundation

4. “A Study of the ImportantAesthetic Issues Raised by Contemporary Art”, Major Projects of theNational Social Science Foundation

5. “Technocultural Studies ofArt”GeneralProjects of the National Social Science Foundation2015-2020

6. “A Study on the CultivationModel of Cultural and Creative Versatile Talents in ComprehensiveUniversities”, 2017-2020,Jiangsu Education Reform Project.

(V) Award andHonor


1. “Exploratino ofinterdisciplinary design education in the context of the constructionof beautiful countryside”, Second Prize of Excellent Paper, 15thAcademic Conference of Jiangsu Provincial Federation of Philosophyand Social Sciences (March 2022)

2. “Sharing or integration:Rethinking the localization of co-working spaces in Shanghai”, 7thNanjing University Young Teachers' Award for Original Research inHumanities (December 2021)

3. “Calibrating craftsmanship:a critical reflection from the dual perspective of aesthetic andsocial significances”, Third Prize for Outstanding Paper, theAnnual Meeting of the Aesthetics Society of Jiangsu Province(November 2017)

Teaching& social service

1.May Fourth Medal for Young Teachers of Nanjing University (May 2022)

2. Second Prize, theUniversity-level Final of the Second Nanjing University TeachingCompetition (September 2022)

3.“Charming Mentor” Prize of Nanjing University (September 2021)

4. Student mentor, Grand Prizeand First Prize of Jiangsu University Students' Cultural CreativeWorks Competition on “Rural Revitalization” (January 2022)

5. Student mentor, First Prize ofJiangsu Student Micro Video Creation Competition (December 2021)

6. “Xinhua News” ExcellentYoung Teacher of Nanjing University (September 2018)

7. First Prize and OutstandingMentor Award of the 2017 Jiangsu University Art Exhibition (October2017)

8. Outstanding Mentor Award ofthe Guangdong Province Thematic Education and Practice Activities(December 2017)