
Liu Yi

Associate Professor

1. Personal Information

Name: LIU Yi

Title: Associate Professor

Education:Ph.D. in Art

Part-time Positions: DeputySecretary-General of the Art Philosophy Committee, Chinese Societyfor Aesthetics; Editor of "Cultural Studies".

2. Researchfields:

Western Art History, Art Theory, ImagePhilosophy (Image Theory), Art Communication (Media Studies)

3. CoursesTaught:

  • Special Topics in Art History

  • Special Topics in ArtCommunication

  • Western Design History

  • Arts Management Practices

  • Cultural Product Marketing

  • Aesthetic Education - Literatureand Humanities

4. Research Achievements:

1) Works:

  • Monographs. "The Intervals of Art: Viewer and the Logic ofVision", Hebei Fine Arts Publishing House, 2016.

  • Edited volume. "Research onAmerican Art History in China," Nanjing University Press, 2022.

2) RepresentativePapers:

  • "ArtHistory as Guidance for Knowledge in Aesthetic Education",China Literature and Art Criticism, Vol. 7, 2022.

  • "Translation and Research ofWestern Aesthetics in Chinese Academic Circles in Past Decade",Jianghai Academic Journal, Vol. 4, 2022.

  • "TransparentImage: Intermedia Narration between Digital Humanities and ArtHistory", Nanjing Journal of Social Sciences, Vol. 2, 2022.(Reprinted in "Renmin University Copy Center")

  • "After the Disappearance ofAura: Intermedial Reconstruction of Art Production and AestheticExperience", Nanjing Journal of Social Sciences, Vol. 12, 2020.(Reprinted in "Abstracts of New China ")

  • "Reflections on Modern Art",Art Research, Vol. 3, 2020.

  • "From Form to Vision:Fundamental Issues in Intermedia Art Theory," ContemporaryLiterary Criticism, Vol. 1, 2020. (Reprinted in "CSSCI")

3) Research Projects:

  • National Social Science Fund Youth Project in Art Studies: "Researchon the Art Historical Tradition and Key Concepts in German-speakingCountries in the 19th-20th Century" (Project No. 18CA164),2018-2022, Principal Investigator.

  • National Social Science Fund MajorProject in Art Studies: "Intermedia Construction andEpistemological Study of Art Theory" (Project No. 20ZD26),2020-2023, Participant.

  • University-levelProject (Humanities): Team Project funded by Basic Research Funding:"Research on Visual Art Reception Theory" (Project No.2020300176), 2017-2018, Principal Investigator.

  • Collaborative Project: "Researchon Chinese and American Culture and Art History" (Project No.2021201255), 2021-2022, Project Leader.

  • CollaborativeProject: "Research on European and American Art History"(Project No. 2021200030), 2020-2021, Project Leader.

  • CollaborativeProject: "Online Museum of Sound Project" (Project No.2022200532), 2022-2023, Project Leader.