
Yin Manting


Yin Manting殷曼楟


Philosophyof Art, Visual Studies and AnalyticAesthetics

(II) CoursesTaught:

Sectionof Art History (Doctoral student course

(III) ResearchAchievements

BOOK (Monographsand edited volumes)

1YinManting, TheConstruction of the Artworld Theories and its Modern Significance(Beijing: Social Sciences Academic Press, 2009).  

2NoëlCarroll, Theoriesof Art Today,translated by Yin Mantingand ZhengCongrong(Nanjing: Nanjing University Press, 2010).  

Journal Articles

1YinManting,“FromWhat Is Art to Definition of Art: Approaches,Goalsand Modern Solutions,Journalof Capital Normal University ( Social Sciences Edition),No.5(2022):36-47.

2SocialParticipation in Aesthetic Education andthe Reshaping of Aesthetic Experience,NanjingJournal of Social Sciences,No.2(2023):116-24.

3AStudy of Pictorial Representation under the Impact of DirectPerception Theory,TheoreticalStudies in Literature and Art,NO.2(2022):75-84.

(IV)Major Research Projects

1OnModern Turn of the Post-Analytic Aesthetics and its SignificanceHumanityand Social Science Youth Foundation of Ministry of Education ofChina, 2009, project leader.  

2Foundationfor Key Teacher by Nanjing University, 2009.  

3ResearchOn the Turn from Pictorial Representation to Visual Representationunder the Perspective of Analytic Aesthetics”, General Program ofNational Social Science Foundation of China, 2015, project leader.

4VisualCulture and the Social Transformation in Contemporary China,”Keyprojects of Philosophy and Social Sciences Research supported byMinistry of Education, 2012, sub-project leader.  

(V) Award andHonor

SecondPrize for Research Achievements in Philosophy and Social Sciences(Jiangsu Provincial Department of Education, 2010)