Li Jian 李健
ContemporaryArt Theory, Aesthetics and Cultural Studies
1、SpecialIssues in Art Criticism
2、Humanitiesand Visual Arts
3、Introductionto the Arts
4、Introductionto Lecture on ChineseArt History
BOOK (Monographs andedited volumes)
(1)LiJian, Image and ItsMetaphor: The Visual Construction of Contemporary Popular culture,Beijing: SDX JointPublishing Company, 2022.
(2)LiJian, Contemporary ArtTheory in an Interdisciplinary Perspective,Beijing: Peking University Press, 2018.
(3)LiJian, A Vision ofAesthetic Utopia: From Weber to Frankfurt School’s AestheticSalvation, Beijing:Social Sciences Academic Press, 2009.
(4)LiJian and Zhou Jiwu, eds., EssentialReadings in Art Theories,Beijing: SDXJoint Publishing Company, 2014, 2022.
(5)CharlotteGerlings, 100 GreatArtists: A Visual Journey from Fra Angelico to Andy Warhol,trans., Li Jian and Weng Zaihong, Shanghai: Fudan University Press,2015.
(6)KangEr, Li Jian and Huang Zhengming, eds., Boccaroart and Culture,Nanjing: Nanjing University Press, 2019.
(7)ZhouXian, ed., A Study ofVisual Culture in Contemporary China,Nanjing: Yilin Press, 2017, Chapter 1, "Representation andVisual Construction of Mass Culture".
(8)KangEr and Li Jian, eds., GeneralPrinciples of Art,Nanjing: Nanjing University Press, 2010.
(1)LiJian, "Topography of Social Space in Modernity: From Simmel toKracauer", ZhejiangSocial Sciences, No.4, 2023: 139-147.
(2)LiJian, "On the Construction of Spatial Discourse in thePerspective of Aesthetic Modernity", NanjingJournal of Social Sciences,No. 1, 2023: 122-130.
(3)LiJian, "Placeness, Eventness, and Intermedial Art Practice: Onthe Reconstruction of Spatial Paradigm in Postmodern Art", ChinaLiterature and Art Criticism,No. 2, 2022: 81-92.
(4)LiJian, " The Presence of 'Audibility': On the Soundscape inDevice Paradigm of Mass Culture", NanjingJournal of Social Sciences,No. 2, 2021: 118-124.
(5)LiJian, " The Basic Issues of Intermedial Studies of the Arts andits Construction of Knowledge ", ComparativeLiterature in Chinas,No. 1, 2021: 26-42.
(6)LiJian and Weng Zaihong, "On the Soundscape as the IntermedialCultural Practice", TianjinSocial Sciences, No.5, 2020: 116-123.
(7)LiJian, "Flâneur:Elegy of Heroism in the Modern Life", ZhejiangSocial Sciences, No.8, 2020: 127-133.
(8)LiJian, "Teaching Through Aesthetics: The Developmental Logic ofAesthetic Education in Nanjing University and Its ContemporaryEnlightenment", Journalof Aesthetic Education,No. 4, 2020: 20-28.
(9)LiJian, "Spatial Paradigm as a Scopic Regime and its ModernTransformation", Journalof Arts Management,No. 2, 2020: 40-47.
(10)LiJian, "Flâneur:Metaphor of Modernity and its Spatial Experience", CulturalStudies and Literary Theory,No. 44, Chengdu: Sichuan University Press, 2020: 14-24.
(11)LiJian, "The Image of Nezha in the Storyworld and its ContemporaryInventions", Journalof Art Theory & Art History,No. 4, Beijing: China Social Science Press, 2019: 48-53.
(12)LiJian, "On ‘Ekphrasis’ as a Discursive Practice ofIntermediality", Literature& Art Studies,No. 12, 2019: 40-51.
(13)LiJian, "The Discourse Reconstruction of 'Hero Image' and itsVisual Metaphor", Academics,No. 8, 2019: 83-92.
(14)LiJian, "On the Modern Personality Construction of the VisualSubject in Mass Culture", ChinaLiterature and Art Criticism,No. 3, 2019: 33-40.
(15)LiJian, "On the Relationship between 'Words and Images' from thePerspective of New Art History", InnerMongolia Social Sciences,No. 6, 2018:124-131.
(16)LiJian, "On the ‘Daily Paradigm’ of Visual subject'sConstruction in Mass Culture", TianjinSocial Sciences, No.3, 2018: 129-148.
(17)LiJian, "The Visual Representation System of Mass Culture and itsTendency to Cynicism", Academics,No. 10, 2017: 85-95.
(18)LiJian, "A Vision Politics Represented in Sublime Narration andHero Images in a Great Era", AcademicResearch, No. 10,2017: 162-169.
(19)LiJian, "Practice of Visual Expression of Mass Culture and SocialMentality in Contemporary China", Journalof Jishou University (Social Sciences),No. 5, 2017: 110-116.
(20)LiJian, "Theory of Artistic Production and Its Contemporary Issuesin the Context of Visual Culture", NanjingJournal of Social Sciences,No. 6, 2016: 128-134.
(21)LiJian, "On the Deep Structure System of Visual Image Types inMass Culture", TianjinSocial Sciences, No.3, 2016: 114-121, 127.
(22)LiJian, "Mass Culture and Its Visual Construction in the SocialTransformation of Contemporary China", CulturalStudies, No. 25,Beijing: Social Sciences Academic Press, 2016: 97-108.
1、国家社科基金一般项目,“20世纪艺术哲学语境中的空间思想研究”(项目批准号:16BZX117),2016-2022年,课题负责人("AStudy on Spatial Thought in the Context of Art Philosophy in the 20thCentury")
2、教育部人文社会科学规划基金一般项目,“视觉文化语境中的艺术生产理论研究”(项目批准号:13YJA760025),2013-2017年,课题负责人("AStudy on the Theory of Artistic Production in the Context of VisualCulture")
5、南京大学文科青年基金重点项目,“20世纪空间乌托邦观念的美学研究”,2011-2013年,课题负责人("AStudy on the Thought of Spatial Utopia in the 20th Century Aestheticfrom the Perspective of Aesthetics")
6、江苏省文化科研课题一般项目,“后经典叙事学视域中的江苏民间文学研究”(项目批准号:09YB18),2009-2011年,课题负责人("A Study on Jiangsu Folk Literature from the perspective ofpost-classical Narratology ")
2、专著《跨学科视域中的当代艺术理论》(ContemporaryArt Theory in an InterdisciplinaryPerspective),获江苏省第十六届哲学社会科学优秀成果三等奖(2020.11)
3、专著《跨学科视域中的当代艺术理论》(ContemporaryArt Theory in an InterdisciplinaryPerspective),获2018年度南京大学青年教师人文科研原创奖(2019.11)
4、合著《当代中国的视觉文化研究》(AStudy of Visual Culture in Contemporary China,2/7),获教育部第八届哲学社会科学研究成果二等奖(2020.12)
7、论文《浅论高校艺术教育的基本特征》("TheBasic Characteristics of Art Education in Universities,1/2),获全国第三届大学生艺术展演活动高校艺术教育科研论文二等奖(2012.02)
8、专著《审美乌托邦的想象》(AVision of Aesthetic Utopia: From Weber to Frankfurt School’sAesthetic Salvation),获南京大学第八届人文社会科学研究成果二等奖(2011.12)