
Li Jian

Full Professor,Ph.D. Supervisor

Li Jian 李健

(I)Research Interests:

ContemporaryArt Theory, Aesthetics and Cultural Studies

(II) Courses Taught:

1SpecialIssues in Art Criticism

2Humanitiesand Visual Arts

3Introductionto the Arts

4Introductionto Lecture on ChineseArt History

(III) Research Achievements:

BOOK (Monographs andedited volumes)

1LiJian, Image and ItsMetaphor: The Visual Construction of Contemporary Popular culture,Beijing: SDX JointPublishing Company, 2022.

2LiJian, Contemporary ArtTheory in an Interdisciplinary Perspective,Beijing: Peking University Press, 2018.

3LiJian, A Vision ofAesthetic Utopia: From Weber to Frankfurt School’s AestheticSalvation, Beijing:Social Sciences Academic Press, 2009.

4LiJian and Zhou Jiwu, eds., EssentialReadings in Art Theories,Beijing: SDXJoint Publishing Company, 2014, 2022.

5CharlotteGerlings, 100 GreatArtists: A Visual Journey from Fra Angelico to Andy Warhol,trans., Li Jian and Weng Zaihong, Shanghai: Fudan University Press,2015.

6KangEr, Li Jian and Huang Zhengming, eds., Boccaroart and Culture,Nanjing: Nanjing University Press, 2019.

7ZhouXian, ed., A Study ofVisual Culture in Contemporary China,Nanjing: Yilin Press, 2017, Chapter 1, "Representation andVisual Construction of Mass Culture".

8KangEr and Li Jian, eds., GeneralPrinciples of Art,Nanjing: Nanjing University Press, 2010.

Journal Articles

1LiJian, "Topography of Social Space in Modernity: From Simmel toKracauer", ZhejiangSocial Sciences, No.4, 2023: 139-147.

2LiJian, "On the Construction of Spatial Discourse in thePerspective of Aesthetic Modernity", NanjingJournal of Social Sciences,No. 1, 2023: 122-130.

3LiJian, "Placeness, Eventness, and Intermedial Art Practice: Onthe Reconstruction of Spatial Paradigm in Postmodern Art", ChinaLiterature and Art Criticism,No. 2, 2022: 81-92.

4LiJian, " The Presence of 'Audibility': On the Soundscape inDevice Paradigm of Mass Culture", NanjingJournal of Social Sciences,No. 2, 2021: 118-124.

5LiJian, " The Basic Issues of Intermedial Studies of the Arts andits Construction of Knowledge ", ComparativeLiterature in Chinas,No. 1, 2021: 26-42.

6LiJian and Weng Zaihong, "On the Soundscape as the IntermedialCultural Practice", TianjinSocial Sciences, No.5, 2020: 116-123.

7LiJian, "Flâneur:Elegy of Heroism in the Modern Life", ZhejiangSocial Sciences, No.8, 2020: 127-133.

8LiJian, "Teaching Through Aesthetics: The Developmental Logic ofAesthetic Education in Nanjing University and Its ContemporaryEnlightenment", Journalof Aesthetic Education,No. 4, 2020: 20-28.

9LiJian, "Spatial Paradigm as a Scopic Regime and its ModernTransformation", Journalof Arts Management,No. 2, 2020: 40-47.

10LiJian, "Flâneur:Metaphor of Modernity and its Spatial Experience", CulturalStudies and Literary Theory,No. 44, Chengdu: Sichuan University Press, 2020: 14-24.

11LiJian, "The Image of Nezha in the Storyworld and its ContemporaryInventions", Journalof Art Theory & Art History,No. 4, Beijing: China Social Science Press, 2019: 48-53.

12LiJian, "On ‘Ekphrasis’ as a Discursive Practice ofIntermediality", Literature& Art Studies,No. 12, 2019: 40-51.

13LiJian, "The Discourse Reconstruction of 'Hero Image' and itsVisual Metaphor", Academics,No. 8, 2019: 83-92.

14LiJian, "On the Modern Personality Construction of the VisualSubject in Mass Culture", ChinaLiterature and Art Criticism,No. 3, 2019: 33-40.

15LiJian, "On the Relationship between 'Words and Images' from thePerspective of New Art History", InnerMongolia Social Sciences,No. 6, 2018:124-131.

16LiJian, "On the ‘Daily Paradigm’ of Visual subject'sConstruction in Mass Culture", TianjinSocial Sciences, No.3, 2018: 129-148.

17LiJian, "The Visual Representation System of Mass Culture and itsTendency to Cynicism", Academics,No. 10, 2017: 85-95.

18LiJian, "A Vision Politics Represented in Sublime Narration andHero Images in a Great Era", AcademicResearch, No. 10,2017: 162-169.

19LiJian, "Practice of Visual Expression of Mass Culture and SocialMentality in Contemporary China", Journalof Jishou University (Social Sciences),No. 5, 2017: 110-116.

20LiJian, "Theory of Artistic Production and Its Contemporary Issuesin the Context of Visual Culture", NanjingJournal of Social Sciences,No. 6, 2016: 128-134.

21LiJian, "On the Deep Structure System of Visual Image Types inMass Culture", TianjinSocial Sciences, No.3, 2016: 114-121, 127.

22LiJian, "Mass Culture and Its Visual Construction in the SocialTransformation of Contemporary China", CulturalStudies, No. 25,Beijing: Social Sciences Academic Press, 2016: 97-108.

(IV) Major Research Projects

1、国家社科基金一般项目,“20世纪艺术哲学语境中的空间思想研究”(项目批准号:16BZX117),2016-2022年,课题负责人("AStudy on Spatial Thought in the Context of Art Philosophy in the 20thCentury"

2、教育部人文社会科学规划基金一般项目,“视觉文化语境中的艺术生产理论研究”(项目批准号:13YJA760025),2013-2017年,课题负责人("AStudy on the Theory of Artistic Production in the Context of VisualCulture"



5、南京大学文科青年基金重点项目,“20世纪空间乌托邦观念的美学研究”,2011-2013年,课题负责人("AStudy on the Thought of Spatial Utopia in the 20th Century Aestheticfrom the Perspective of Aesthetics"

6、江苏省文化科研课题一般项目,“后经典叙事学视域中的江苏民间文学研究”(项目批准号:09YB18),2009-2011年,课题负责人("A Study on Jiangsu Folk Literature from the perspective ofpost-classical Narratology "

(V) Award and Honor


2、专著《跨学科视域中的当代艺术理论》(ContemporaryArt Theory in an InterdisciplinaryPerspective),获江苏省第十六届哲学社会科学优秀成果三等奖(2020.11

3、专著《跨学科视域中的当代艺术理论》(ContemporaryArt Theory in an InterdisciplinaryPerspective),获2018年度南京大学青年教师人文科研原创奖(2019.11

4、合著《当代中国的视觉文化研究》(AStudy of Visual Culture in Contemporary China,2/7),获教育部第八届哲学社会科学研究成果二等奖(2020.12



7、论文《浅论高校艺术教育的基本特征》("TheBasic Characteristics of Art Education in Universities,1/2),获全国第三届大学生艺术展演活动高校艺术教育科研论文二等奖(2012.02

8、专著《审美乌托邦的想象》(AVision of Aesthetic Utopia: From Weber to Frankfurt School’sAesthetic Salvation),获南京大学第八届人文社会科学研究成果二等奖(2011.12