
Zhao Kuiying

Full Professor, Ph.D. Supervisor, Deputy Dean
Doctor of Arts (Ph.D.)

Academic Positions:

Deputy Director and Secretary General, Professional Committee on Philosophy of Art, China Society for Aesthetics;

Deputy Director, Ecological Aesthetics Committee, China Society for Aesthetics;

Vice President, Art Theory Professional Committee, China Art Theory Society;

Executive Director, Cultural and Media Semiotics Branch, Chinese and Foreign literary Theory Society;

Member of Ecolinguistics Professional Committee, Chinese Comparative Study of English and Chinese;

Member of Jiangsu Art Graduate Education Steering Committee;

Ambassador in China, the Poetics Association and Linguistics Association (PALA), 2011-2017.


(I) Areas of research

Art theory and aesthetics, Art semiotics, Ecological language and ecological aesthetics, etc.

(II) Courses Taught

Aesthetic Education and Aesthetics

Art and Aesthetics

Art Interpretation

Art Semiotics

Special Topics in Art Theory

(III) Research achievements


BOOK (Monographs and edited volumes) 

1. Zhao Kuiying, Language, Space and Art, Peking University Press, 2018.

2. Zhao Kuiying, Ecological View of Language and the Construction of the Linguistic Philosophical tFoundation of Ecopoetics and Ecoaesthetics, People’s Publishing Press, 2017.

3. Zhao Kuiying, A Study on Ecolinguistics and Ecological Literary and Cultural Theory, People's Publishing Press, 2022.

4. Zhao Kuiying, et al., Analysis and Reconstruction of the Basic Theory of Aesthetics, People's Publishing Press, 2019.

5. Zhao Kuiying, Comparative Study on the Basic Topics of Chinese and Western Languistic Poetics, China Social Sciences Press, 2009.

6. Zhao Kuiying, The Order of Chaos: A Study on the Basic Issues of Aesthetic Language, Huacheng Press, 2003.

7. Zhao Kuiying, editor-in-chief, The Translation Series of Linguistic and Poetics, the Commercial Press, 2016-2021.

8. Zhao Kuiying, editor-in-chief, Interpreting Art: A Reader, Nanjing University Press, 2020.

9. Zhao Kuiying eds, Western Literature Theory, Higher Education Press, 2015.


Journal Articles 

1. Zhao Kuiying, “Viewing the Chinese and Western Cultural Spirits from ‘Name’ and ‘Logos’ ” , Literature Review, 2021, No.1.

2. Zhao Kuiying, “Complex Polysensoriality and Embodied Spatiotemporality of Contemporary Intermedial Art”, Literature & Art Studies, 2021, No.8.

3. Zhao Kuiying, “Analysis on Arts as a Presenting Sign”, Literature Review, 2018, No.4.

4. Zhao Kuiying, “A Dialogue Between Art Philosophy and the Study of Art History: The Debate between Heidegger and Shapiro”, Literature & Art Studies, 2017, No.9.

5. Zhao Kuiying, “Three Conceptual Changes in Natural Ecological Aesthetics”, Literature Review, 2016, No.1.

6. ZHAO Kuiying, “Viewing the Value of Contemporary Art Work from the Angle of Conceptual Art”, Rivista di Estetica (A&HCI),Volume76, Number.1, 2022, pp.49-62.

7. Zhao Kuiying, “Four Major Aesthetic Problems Raised by the Development of Contemporary Art”, Theory and Criticism of Literarture and Art, No. 4, 2022.

8. Zhao Kuiying, “Artistic Participation and the Reshaping of Ecological Citizenship——Thinking on the Function of Art in the Post/Epidemic Era”, Academic Research, No.3, 2022.

9. Zhao Kuiying, “Five Major Ideas of New Liberal Arts”, Nanjing Journal of Social Sciences, No. 9, 2021.

10. Zhao Kuiying, “Erasure and Whitewashing: A Critical Analysis of Two Non-ecological Rhetorical Functions of Environmental Discourse, Theoretical Studies in Literature and Art, No.3, 2020.

11. Zhao Kuiying, “Life World and Ecological Aesthetics——The Ground and Orientation of the Reconstruction of Chinese Contemporary Aesthetics, Journal of Aesthetics and Art Review, Vol.22, 2021.

12. Zhao Kuiying, “Aesthetics Reconstruction and the Contemporary Chinese Aesthetics Research in Four Formats, Journal of Capital Normal University (Social Science Edition), No.2, 2020.

13. Zhao Kuiying, “Wittgenstein’s View of ‘Language Game’ and the Revolution in the Theory of Art Aesthetics, Contemporary Literary Criticism, No.1, 2020.

14. Zhao Kuiying, “New Liberal Arts, Transdisciplinary and Community: Research and Education facing Complex Problems in the Life-World”, Nanjing Journal of Social Sciences, No. 7, 2020;

15. Zhao Kuiying, “Aesthetic Transformation and ‘Non-Objective’ Aesthetic Construction”, Shandong Social Sciences, No.11, 2019.

16. Zhao Kuiying, “The Emergence, Origin, Development and Trend of Eco-linguistics”, Journal of Xiamen University(Arts & Social Sciences), No.5, 2019.

17. Zhao Kuiying, “Five Trends of Ecolinguistics Criticism and Research, Nanjing Journal of Social Sciences, No.5, 2019.

18. Zhao Kuiying, “Derrida’s ‘Audio-Visual Grammatology’ and Synergistic Thinking”, Nanjing Journal of Social Sciences, No.1, 2018.

19. Zhao Kuiying, “Reconstruction of Aesthetics and Reflection on the Aesthetics”, Journal of Xiamen University(Arts & Social Sciences), No. 2, 2018.

20. Zhao Kuiying, “Reflection and Reconstruction of the Foundation of Art Semiotics from the Phenomenological Ontology, Nanjing Journal of Social Sciences, No. 4, 2017.

21. Zhao Kuiying, “The Name, Object, Boundary and Genealogy of Arts Theory, Hundred Schools in Art, No. 1, 2017.

22. Zhao Kuiying, “Why Ecological Poetics and Ecological Aesthetics Research Raise Language Issues”, South China Quarterly, No. 2, 2017.

23. Zhao Kuiying, “ ‘What are Poets for’ and Ecological Ethics”, Theoretical Studies in Literature and Art, No.3, 2017.

24. Zhao Kuiying, “ Rule of Technology and Salvation of Art”, Shandong Social Sciences, No.7, 2017.

25. Zhao Kuiying, “The Object and the Reconstruction of Aesthetics”, Journal of Xiamen University(Arts & Social Sciences), No.4, 2017.

26. Zhao Kuiying, “Three Features of Heidegger’s Ecological Ethics and its Significance for ecological Poetics”, Dongyue Tribune, No. 1, 2017.

27. Zhao Kuiying, “Artification and Objectivity of Carlson’s Natural Environment Model”, Tianjin Social Sciences, No. 4, 2016.

28. Zhao Kuiying, “On Heidegger’s Fundamental Ontology and Ecological Ethics”, Shandong Social Sciences, No.9, 2016.

29. Zhao Kuiying, “On the Construction of Contemporary Linguistic Rhetoric Criticism: From the perspective of Booth’s Rhetoric of fiction”, Journal of Xiamen University(Arts & Social Sciences), No.6, 2015.

30. Zhao Kuiying, “Viewing the Fundamental Problem of Carlson’s Natural Environment Model from Heidegger’s Phenomenological Ontology, Nanjing Journal of Social Sciences, No.6, 2015.

31. Zhao Kuiying, “On the Generation of Nominalization and its Ecological Significance in Poetic Language”, Journal of Literature and Art Studies, Volume 5, Number 7, July 2015, pp.505-512.

32. Zhao Kuiying, “Ecolinguistics and the Foundational Construction of Language Theory  for Contemporary Ecological Literature and Cultural Studies”, Theoretical Studies in Literarture and Art, No.4, 2014.

33. Zhao Kuiying, “Ideological ‘Deceit’ or Green Grammar Resources? A Reflection on the Debate about Normalization and Its Ecological Poetic Significance from an Ecolinguistic Perspective, Frontiers of Literary Theory, 2014, No. 11.

34. Zhao Kuiying, “Returning to the Weight and Depth of Words——A Trial Analysis of the ‘Object’ Dimension of Mo Yan’s Vocabulary Deviation”, Dongyue Tribune, No. 8, 2014.

35. Zhao Kuiying, “ ‘Mind and Thing’ of Language Innovation in Mo Yan’s Novels: A Perspective of Cognitive Poetics”, No. 1, 2014.

36. Zhao Kuiying, “The Debate between ‘Ecological’ and ‘Environmental’ from the Ecolinguistics Critical Perspective”, Journal of Xiamen University (Arts & Social Sciences), No. 5, 2013.

37. Zhao Kuiying, “On Norm Deviation and the Generation of Language Style of Mo Yan’s Novel”, Journal of Shandong Normal University, No. 6, 2013.

38. Zhao Kuiying, “On the Eco-Cultural Significance of Later Heidegger’s Language View of ‘Ereignis Speaking’ ”, Academic Monthly, No.8, 2012.

39. Zhao Kuiying, “Rhetoric and Ethics: A Narratological Reading of Mo Yan’s Frogs”, Fiction Review, No. 6, 2012.

40. Zhao Kuiying, “On Foucault’s Spatial Turn and Initial Writing, Tianjin Social Sciences, No. 12, 2010.

41. Zhao Kuiying, “The Rhetorical Turn of Language and the Language-cultural Poectics”, Academic Monthly, No. 9, 2010.

42. Zhao Kuiying, “Ecological Linguistics and Its Significance to Ecological Poetics and Aesthetics Research”, Yearbook of Chinese Aesthetics (2006-2007), Henan People’s Publishing Press, 2010.

43. Zhao Kuiying, “The Lated Heidegger’s View of Language and the Ecological Aesthetics”, Literary Review, No. 5, 2009.

44. Zhao Kuiying, “From ‘Being and Time’ to ‘Dwelling and Space’——The Spatial Turn and its Eco-Aesthetic Significance of Heidegger’s Philosophy in His Later Years”, Journal of Xiamen University (Arts & Social Sciences), No. 2, 2009.

45. Zhao Kuiying, “The Unutteable Tao and the Artistic Conception Beyond the Image Zhuangzi’s Philosophy of Language and its Effect on Artistic ConceptionTheory”, Journal of Shandong Normal University, No. 3, 2007.

46. Zhao Kuiying, “The Contradiction of Tao Speaking and Aesthetic Surmounting: A New Research on Taoist Philosophy of Language and Its Aesthetic Significance”, Journal of Xiamen University, No. 4, 2007.

47. Zhao Kuiying, “More Problem Consciousness, Less Subject Anxiety—Talking about Several Issues of Ecological Aesthetics”, Yearbook of Chinese Aesthetics (Volume 2004), Henan People’s Publishing Press, 2007.

48. Zhao Kuiying, “On the Dilemma and Prospect of Eco-Aesthetics”, Journal of Xiamen University, No. 5, 2006.

49. Zhao Kuiying, “The Tendency of Spatialization in Traditional Narrative Structure As is seen from the Ancient Chinese Cosmological Modes, Literature & Art Studies, No. 10, 2005.

50. Zhao Kuiying, “The Linguistic Philosophical Foundation and Critique of Contemporary Western ‘Anti-Hallucination’ Poetics”, Literature, History, and Philosophy, No.6, 2005.

51. Zhao Kuiying, “Two Trends of Contemporary Literary Theory Study and Two Deep Changes of the Linguistic Turn”, Journal of Xiamen University, No.6, 2005.

52. Zhao Kuiying, “Photographic Literature in the Perspective of Postmodern Language”, Times Literature, No. 3, 2005.

53. Zhao Kuiying, “Similarities and Differences Between the Spatial Forms of Chinese and Western Poetry from the Perspective of Spatiality of Chinese Poetry”, Journal of Shandong Normal University, No.5, 2005.

54. Zhao Kuiying, “Confucian Views on Name and Reality and the Formation of Traditional Chinese Literary Theory”, Oriental Series, Vol.1, 2004.

55. Zhao Kuiying, “Being Ontology and Ecological View——On the Prospective and the Outlet of the Contemporary Chinese Aesthetics”, Journal of Guizhou Normal University, No. 1, 2004.

56. Zhao Kuiying, “Viewing the Difference between ‘Literature Carrying Tao’ and ‘Poetry Expressing Zhi’ from the Perspective of Confucian Linguistic Ideas”, Journal of Shandong Normal University, No. 3, 2004.

57. Zhao Kuiying, “A New Theory on the Inertia of Literary Language”, Literary Review, No.4, 2003.

58. Zhao Kuiying, “A Reversible Text: ‘Big Breasts and Wide HipsInterpretation of Language and Culture”, Masterpieces Review, No.5, 2003.

59. Zhao Kuiying, “Spatialization of Ancient Chinese Time Consciousness and Its Influence on Art”, Literature, History, and Philosophy, No. 4,2000.

60. Zhao Kuiying, “From the Spatiality of ‘Wen’ and ‘Xiang’ to View the ‘Fusion of Poetry and Painting’ in Ancient China”, Journal of Shandong Normal University, No. 1, 2003.

61. Zhao Kuiying, “On the Integrity of Phenomenological Aesthetics”, Journal of Shandong University, No. 4, 1999.

62. Zhao Kuiying, “On the Reversibility of Literary Language”, Literary Review, No. 3, 1996.


Research Projects

1. Chair of “Tesearch on Important Aesthetic Issues Raised by Contemporary Art”, Major Project of National Social Science Fund (20&ZD050), 2020.

2. Chair of “Research on Contemporary Construction of Art Semiotics”, Key Project of National Social Science Fund (19AZW005), 2019.

3. Chair of “Analysis and Reconstruction of Basic Theory of Aesthetics”, Major Project of the Key Research Base of Humanity and Social Sciences of the Ministry of Education (13JJD750011), 2013.

4. Chair of Ecological Linguistics and Ecological Literature, Cultural Theory Research”, National Social Science Fund General Project (1213ZW007), 2012.

5. Chair of “Language and Ecology: Western Natural Language Views and Contemporary Ecological Poetics, Aesthetics and Language Philosophy Basic Construction”, Humanity and Social Sciences Research Youth Foundation of the Ministry of Education (09YJC751054), 2009.

6. Chair of “Comparative Study on the Basic Topics of Chinese and Western Languistic Poetics”, National Social Science Foundation Youth Foundation (02CZW003), 2002.

7. Participate in the key teaching material projects of “Marxist Theory Project”: “Western Literary Theory” of the Ministry of Education (chaired by Zeng Fanren, Zhou Xian, and Wang Yichuan).

Education reform project:

1. Chair of “Research on the Goals and Paths of New Liberal Arts and University Aesthetic Education”, Nanjing University Undergraduate Education Reform Project, 2021.

2. Chair of “Research on the Innovation and Cultivation of Graduate Students in New Liberal Arts and Arts”, Nanjing University Graduate Education and Teaching Reform Research Project,2020.

IV Award & Honor

1. Awarded the Second Prize, The Outstanding Achievements in Philosophy and Social Sciences of Jiangsu Province (2022).

2. Awarded the Second Prize, The Outstanding Achievements in Philosophy and Social Sciences of Jiangsu Province (2018).

3. Awarded the Second Prize, the Outstanding Scientific Research Achievements in Social Sciences of Shandong Province (2011).

4. Awarded the Second Prize, the Outstanding Scientific Research Achievements in Social Sciences of Shandong Province (1997).

5. Awarded the Third Prize, the Outstanding Scientific Research Achievements in Social Sciences of Shandong Province (2007).

6. Awarded the third session “Liu Xie Literary Critic Award of Shandong Province”(2002).

7. Awarded the fourth session “Liu Xie Literary Critic Award of Shandong Province” (2004).

8. Awarded the fifth session “Liu Xie Literary Critic Award of Shandong Province” (2008).

9. Awarded the second session “Shandong Province Qilu Literature Award (Literary Critic Award)”(2005).

10. Awarded the First Prize, the Outstanding Scientific Research Achievements of Universities in Shandong Province(2001).

11. Awarded the “China's New Era 20 Years Outstanding Literary Theory Paper Award”(2001).

12. Awarded the Excellent Paper Award, the Second Session Chinese and Foreign Literary Theory Society of China(2004).

13. Awarded the Nanjing University Humanities Youth Research Original Award (2017).

14. Awarded the First Annual Excellent Paper Award, Journal of Xiamen University(2021).

15.Awarded the third prize(2021) and second prize (2007), Jiangsu Provincial Educational Research Outstanding Achievement Award.