
He Chengzhou

Full Professor and Ph.D. Supervisor

Chengzhou,He 何成洲 

Full Professor and Ph.D. Supervisor, School of Arts, Nanjing University, China.

Education: Doctor of Arts (PhD), Oslo University, Norway

Academic Positions:

Member of the Executive Commitee of the International Comparative Literature Association(2023-)

Chair of Standing Committee on Scripture Reasonging and Comparative Literature, ICLA (2023-)

Member of the Academic Committee for Liberal Arts, Nanjing University (2019- )

Deputy Director of the Teaching Guidance Committee for Art Theory in Higher Education, Ministry of Education (2018-2022)

President of International Ibsen Committee (2009-2012)

Chinese Co-Director, the Hopkins-Nanjing Center, Nanjing University (2013- 2017)

Deputy director of European Studies Centre, Nanjing University (2006-)

Chairman of Jiangsu Comparative Literature Association (2016.7 - )

Director of Chinese-Nordic Cultural Centre, Nanjing University (2009-) 

Chinese Director, Nanjing-Brown Joint Program in Gender Studies and Humanities (2008- ) 

Founding director of the Ibsen Studies Network in China (2005- )

(I)Research Interests:

Art Theory

Theater and Film Studies

Comparative Literature

Critical Theory

(II) Courses Taught:

Theater Theory Research

Literature and Performativity

Representation of the Other

(III) Research Achievements


BOOK (Monographs and edited volumes) 

1.Chengzhou He, Henrik Ibsen and Modern Chinese Drama, Oslo Academic Press, Norway, 2004, 320p (monograph in English, Persian translation 2016) 

2.Chengzhou He, The Scandinavian Canonical Writers: Ibsen, Strindberg and Hamsun, Peking University Press, 2009 (monograph in Chinese)

3.Chengzhou He, A Theory of Performativity, Beijing: Sanlian Press, 2022. (monography in Chinese) 

4.Chengzhou He, ed. Ibsen and Modern China. A special issue of North-West Passage, University of Turin, Italy, 2007 (in English)

5.Chengzhou He, ed. Representation of the Other: Theory and Practice, University of Goettingen Press, 2009 (in English)

6.Zhou Xian, Chengzhou He and Ma Junya, eds. Discourse of Humanities in Contextualization, Peking University Press, 2008. (in Chinese)

7.Chengzhou He, ed. Cultural Identity in the Interdisciplinary Context, Peking University Press, 2010 (in Chinese)

8.Chengzhou He, and Wang Lingzhen, eds. Gender, Theory and Culture, Nanjing University Press, 2010 (in Chinese) 

9.Chengzhou He, and Wang Lingzhen, eds. Chinese Cinema and Gender, Nanjing University Press, 2012 (in Chinese)

10.Chengzhou He, ed. Intercultural Theatre and Globalization, Nanjing University Press, 2012 (in Chinese)

11.Elizabeth Weed and Chengzhou He, eds. Selected Works of Contemporary American Feminism, Nanjing University, 2014 (in Chinese) 

12.Xiao-huang Yin and Chengzhou He, eds. A Guide Book to Transnational Studies, Nanjing University Press, 2014.  

13.Eva Haettner Aurelius, Chengzhou He, and Jon Helgason, eds. Performativity in Literature, Stockholm: the Swedish Royal Academy of Letters, History and Antiquities, 2016. (in English) 

14.Chengzhou He, eds. Critique and Dialogue across Boundaries, Shanghai, Sanlian Bookstore, 2016. (in Chinese)

15.Chengzhou He, and Lingzhen Wang, ed. Chinese Sex/Gender: Historical Differences, Shanghai, Sanlian Bookstore, 2016. (in Chinese) 

16.Chengzhou He, editor-in-chief, Book series of “Chinese Culture and Globalization” (8 volumes), Nanjing University, 2012-2017

17.Contemporary Foreign Literature Research in the Globalization Perspective, Yilin Press, 2019.

18.The Event of Literature, Nanjing University Press, 2020.

19.New Developments in Chinese-Nordic Literature Research (2000-2020), Nanjing University Press, 2021.

Journal Articles (published in English in peer-reviewed international journals) 

1.Chengzhou He, “Reflection on Metacritical Analysis”, Interdisciplinary Studies of Literature,Volume 7, Number 1, March 2023 (A&HCI)

2.Chengzhou He, “Transforming Tradition: The Reform of Chinese Theatre in the 1950s and Early 1960s by Si Yuan Liu (review)”, Comparative Drama, Volume 56, Number 3, Fall 2022, pp346-349. (A&HCI)

3.Chengzhou He, “Encountering Shakespeare in avant-garde Kun opera,” Orbis Litterarum,Vol.76, No. 6, 2021, 290-300.(A&HCI)

4.Chengzhou He, “Theatre-fiction and Hallucinatory Realism in Mo Yan’s The Sandalwood Death,” Orbis Litterarum, Vol. 76, No.4, 149-179. (A&HCI)

5.Chengzhou He, Theatre as a Cross-cultural Encounter: An Introduction”, Orbis Litterarum, Vol. 76, No.6, 2021, 275-277. (A&HCI)

6.Chengzhou He, “Drama as Political Commentary: Women and the Legacy of the May Fourth Movement in Cao Yu’s Plays”, Journal of Modern Literature, 44.2 (2021): 49-61.  (A&HCI)

7.Chengzhou He, “Review on Wei Feng’s Intercultural Aesthetics in Traditional Chinese Theatre from 1978 to the Present,” New Theatre Quarterly, vol. 150, no. 2 (2021). (A&HCI)

8.Chengzhou He, “‘The Most Traditional and the Most Pioneering’: New Concept Kun Opera”, New Theatre Quarterly, Vol. 149, No. 3, (2020), pp. 223-236. (A&HCI)

9.Chengzhou He, “Intermedial Performativity: Mo Yan’s Red Sorghum on Pag, Screen and In-Between”, Comparative Literature Studies, Vol. 57, No. 3 (2020),pp. 433-442. (A&HCI)

10.Chengzhou He, “Theatre as an Encounter: Grotowski’s Cosmopolitanism in the Cold War Era,” European Review, vol. 28, no.1, pp. 76-89, 2020.  

11.Chengzhou He and Maria Shevtsova, “Grotowski and the Polish Theatre: An Interview”, Foreign Literature Studies,2019. NO. 2.

12.Chengzhou He, “animal narrative and the dis-eventalization of politics: an ecological–cultural approach to mo yan’s life and death are wearing me out”, Comparative Literature Studies, 55(2018). 4:837-850. 

13.Chengzhou He, “Trauma and Resilience in Literature,” Orbis Litterarum, 72 (2018).5: 395-404.

14.Chengzhou He, “Before all else I am a human being: Ibsen and the rise of the modern Chinese drama in the 1920s,” Neohelicon, 45 (2018). DOI 10.1007/s11059-018-0465-6

15.Chengzhou He, “New Confucianism, Science and the Future of Environment”,European Review (SSCI, England), 26.2(2018):368-380. 

16.Chengzhou He, “Hospitable Reflections: Derrida, Hospitality and Cosmopolitanism,” Derrida Today (Edinburgh UP), 11.1 (2018): 81-83.

17.Chengzhou He, “World Literature as Event: Ibsen and Modern Chinese Fiction”, Comparative Literature Studies, 54.1 (2017): 141-160. (A&HCI journal, USA)

18.Chengzhou He,“Gao Xingjian’s Individualistic Revolt: Fiction, Biography and Event,” Modern Fiction Studies, 62.4 (2016): 627-643. (A&HCI journal, USA)

19.Chengzhou He, “An East Asian Paradigm of Interculturalism,” European Review, 24.2(2016): 210-220. (SSCI journal, Cambridge UP)

20.Chengzhou He, “Performing Manhood: Glahn and the Masculinity Crisis in Pan,” Nordlitt, 38 (2016): 87-95.

21.Chengzhou He, “The Wolf Myth and Chinese Environmental Sentimentalism in Wolf Totem,” ISLE: Interdisciplinary Studies in Literature and Environment, Vol. 21. 4 (2014). 781-800. (A&HCI journal, USA)

22.Chengzhou He, “Performance and the politics of gender: transgender performance in contemporary Chinese films,” Gender, Place and Culture: A Journal of Feminist Geography, Volume 20, 2013 (SSCI journal, United Kingdom)

23.Chengzhou He, “Trespassing, Crisis and Renewal: Li Yugang and Cross-dressing Performance”, Differences: A Journal of Feminist Cultural Studies, Vol. 24 (2013), No. 2, pp.150-171 (SSCI journal, USA) 

24.Chengzhou He, “The Ambiguities of Chineseness and the Dispute Over the Homecoming of Turandot”, Comparative Literature Studies, Volume 49, Issue 4 (November/December 2012), 547-564 (A&HCI journal, USA).  

25.Chengzhou He, “World Drama and Intercultural Performance,” Neohelicon, 38 (2011): 397-409 (A&HCI journal, Europe). 

26.Chengzhou He, “Interculturalism in Theatre and Chinese Performances of Ibsen,” Ibsen Studies, 9:2 (2009), 118-135. (Oslo) 

27.Chengzhou He, “Poetic Wolves and Environmental Imagination: Representation of Wolves in Recent Chinese Literature,” Neohelicon, 36:397-410, 2009 (A&HCI journal, Europe)

28.Chengzhou He, Women and the Search for Modernity: Rethinking Modern Chinese Drama, MLQ: Modern Language Quarterly 69:1, 45-60, Washington, March 2008 (A&HCI journal, USA)

29.Chengzhou He, “Ibsen’s Men in Trouble, Masculinity and Norwegian Modernity”, Ibsen Studies (Routledge), Vol. 8, No. 2, 134-149, 2008 (Oslo) 

30.Chengzhou He, “Ibsen and Chinese Noras” (Review), Ibsen Studies (Routeledge), Vol.VI, No.l, pp. 90-95, 2006. 

31.Chengzhou He, “Ibsen and Chinese ‘Problem Play’”, Ibsen Studies (Routledge), Vol. III, No. 1, pp. 54-70, 2003.

32.Chengzhou He, Hedda and Bailu: Portraits of Two 'Bored' Women, Comparative Drama (Michigan), Vol. 35, Nos. 3& 4, pp. 447-463, USA, 2002.(A&HCI journal, USA)

33.Chengzhou He, Chinese Translations of Henrik Ibsen. Perspectives: A Study of Translatology 9. 3 (2001):197-214. (A&HCI journal, United Kingdom/Danmark)

Essays in English (book chapters, and others) 

1.Chengzhou He, “Chinese Ibsens,” Narve Fulsas and Tore Rem, eds. Ibsen in Context, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2021, 248-255. 

2.Chengzhou He & Li Shuling, “World literature or Global Literature: An Interview with Theo D’haen”, Foreign Literature Studies, No. 4, 2017. 

3.Chengzhou He, “Cross-dressing Ibsen on the Contemporary Chinese Stage: Yue Opera Adaptations of Hedda Gabler and The Lady from the Sea,” Ibsen Between Cultures, eds. Frode Helland and Julie Holledge, Oslo: Novus Forlag, 2016. 93-112.

4.Eva Haettner Aurelius, He Chengzhou and Jon Helgason, “Performativity in literature.” In: Eva Haettner Aurelius, He Chengzhou & Jon Helgason, eds. Performativity in Literature, Stockholm: Kungl. Vitterhets Historie och Antikvitvets Akademien,2016, pp. 9-28. 

5.Chengzhou He, “Rural Chineseness, Mo Yan’s Work ad World Literature,” in: Mo Yan Context: Nobel Laureate and Global Storyteller,eds Angelica Duran & Yuhan Huang (West Lafayette, Indiana: Purdue University Press, 2014), pp. 77–90.

6.Chengzhou He, “Knut Hamsun in China,” In Knut Hamsun: Transgression and Worlding. Eds. Ståle Dingstad; Ylva Frøjd; Elisabeth Oxfeldt & Ellen Rees,Tapir Akademisk Forlag, 2011. 15 pages.

7.Chengzhou He, “Seeing the World through an agricultural lens: a comparison of Knut Hamsun’s Growth of the Soil and Pear S. Buck’s Good Earth,” Hamsun I Tromso, Vol.5, eds. Even Arntzen, Nils M. Knutsen and Henning H. Warp, 2011, pp. 89-110.

8.Chengzhou He, “Ibsen’s Satire of Imperialism in Peer Gynt,” The Living Ibsen, Oslo, 2007

9.Chengzhou He, Woman and Decadence: Hedda Gabler Revisited, North-West Passage 3 (Turin), 2007

10.Xuelian Chen & Chengzhou He, Deserted Man: Fall of Masculinity in A Doll's House, North-West Passage 4 (Turin), 2007

11.Chengzhou He, “The Troubled Sexuality of Hedda: Foucault and Ibsen”, North-West Passage 2, pp. 37-46, 2005.

12.Chengzhou He, “Noraismus”, Kulturaustausch (Berlin), No. 11, p. 37, 2006, 

13.Chengzhou He, “Peer Gynt, Ah Q and the Loss of Self,” Ibsen on the Cusp of the 21st Century, (Alvheim & Eide), Eds. Pal Bjorby, Alvhild Dvergsdal & Idar Stegane, pp. 91-98, 2005.

14.Chengzhou He, “Chinese Noraism: How Far Can Nora go?” In Henrik Ibsen’s Oeuvre in the Perspective of Its Reception History, Oslo Academic Press, pp. 59-71, 2004.

15.Chengzhou He, “Cao Yu, Ibsen and the Chinese Tradition of Poetic Imagery.” In Henrik Ibsen’s Oeuvre in the Perspective of Its Reception History, Oslo Academic Press, pp. 72-90, 2004. 

16.Chengzhou He, Thematic Imagery in The Master Builder. In Proceedings for IX International Ibsen Conference (Alvheim & Eide), Eds. Pal Bjorby and Asbjorn Aarseth, pp. 483-500, 2001.

Selected Chinese Journal Articles (published in Chinese in peer-reviewed academic journals and others)

1.Theories and Methods of Cross-Media Research, Journal of Northwestern Polytechnical University (Social Sciences Edition), Issue 2, 2023

2.Knowledge System Innovation, Interdisciplinary Crossovers, and Cross-Media Integration: An Interview with He Chengzhou, Foreign Fellow of the European Academy of Sciences, He Chengzhou, Peng Qinglong, Shanghai Jiao Tong University Journal (Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition), Issue 3, 2022

3.Chinese Modern Theater in the Context of World Literature, in Wang Ning, Sheng Anfeng, et al., Chinese Literature and Chinese Modern Literature (Volume I), Beijing: China Social Sciences Press, 2022, pp. 306-344

4.Cao Yu and World Literature, in Wang Ning, Sheng Anfeng, et al., Chinese Literature and Chinese Modern Literature (Volume II), Beijing: China Social Sciences Press, 2022, pp. 471-510

5.The Issue of Spectatorship in Cross-Cultural Theater Theory, Theater, Issue 5, 2021

6.World Literature as an Event: Ibsen and Chinese Modern Fiction, Foreign and Chinese Cultures and Literary Theories, Issue 3, 2021

7.The 'Use' of Humanities and the 'Poetic' of Science, Journal of Shanghai Jiao Tong University (Social Sciences Edition), Issue 2, 2021

8.Drama-Novel Research from a Cross-Media Perspective, Journal of the College of Liberal Arts, Nanjing Normal University, Issue 4, 2020, pp. 33-42

9.The Performative Turn in Western Literary Theory, Literary Research, Issue 8, 2020

10.Performance as Action, Chinese Comparative Literature, Issue 5, 2020

11.Samuel Beckett and Irish Theater, Theater, Issue 3, 2020

12.What is a Literary Event, Journal of Nanjing Normal University, Issue 6, 2019

13.Glocalization, Events, and Contemporary Nordic Ecological Literary Criticism, Wuhan University Journal, Issue 2, 2018

14.Question Awareness and Theoretical Innovation in Academic Research from an International Perspective, Foreign Language Teaching and Research, Issue 3, 2018

15.Ibsen and World Literature: The Dissemination, Adaptation, and Reception of A Doll's House in China, Theater (Journal of the Central Academy of Drama), Issue 3, 2018

16.Challenges for Chinese Contemporary Literature Entering the Western World, Journal of Northwestern Polytechnical University (Social Sciences Edition), Issue 1, 2018

17.Ibsen and World Drama: Translation and Cross-Cultural Adaptation of Peer Gynt, Chinese Language and Literature Research, Volume 24, Autumn 2018, pp. 222-230

18.Taking the Pulse of Literature in the Digital Age, Guangming Daily (Literary Review Edition), April 17, 2018

19.Spatial Turn, Spatial Repair, and Issues in the Process of Globalization - An Academic Interview with David Harvey, Academic Research, Issue 8, 2016, pp. 144-148

20.Globalization and Literature: Perspectives, Views, and Stances, Contemporary Foreign Literature, Issue 2, 2014, pp. 152-160

21.Aside from Writing, I Have No Other Talents: 2013 Nobel Prize in Literature Laureate Alice Munro, Economic Observer, October 21, 2013 (p. 51)

22.Multiple Perspectives in the Interdisciplinary Study of Gender and Film, Women's Research Forum, Issue 5, 2013, pp. 125-128

23.An Examination and Analysis of Ibsen Drama Research in the 60 Years of New China, Art House, Issue 1, 2013, pp. 48-53

24.Peer Gynt and Celebrity Stage Productions, Art House, Issue 2, 2012, pp. 83-86

25.Current Status and Trends of Literary Theory: An Interview with Professor Jonathan Culler, Journal of Nanjing University, Issue 2, 2012, pp. 126-131

26.Theoretical Issues in Cross-Cultural Drama, Theater Arts, Issue 6, 2010, pp. 84-91 (Reprinted in full in Renmin University Press's Literary Theory, Issue 2, 2011)

27.Butler and Performativity Theory, Foreign Literature Review, Issue 3, 2010, pp. 132-143

28.Transgressing 'Performativity': Language, Literature, and Culture, China Social Science News, June 24, 2010

29.Sex, Class, and Carnivalesque: A New Interpretation of Miss Julie, Journal of Nanjing Normal University, Issue 6, 2009, pp. 134-139

30.Male Identity Crisis Behind Misogyny, Foreign Language Teaching, Issue 6, 2009, pp. 84-91

31.The Future of Gender Studies, Contemporary Foreign Literature, Issue 2, 2009, pp. 155-161

32.Drama Adaptation, Art House, Issue 2, 2009, pp. 149-154

33.Interview with Judith Butler, Contemporary Foreign Literature, Issue 1, 2008, pp. 159-162

34.Sophie's World and Metafiction Narrative Strategies, Contemporary Foreign Literature, Issue 3, 2007, pp. 143-149

35.Some Thoughts on the Study of Chinese-Nordic Literary Exchange, World Literature Review, Issue 3, 2007, pp. 27-29

36.Gender Studies, Introduction to Literary Research, edited by Lu Yang, Shanghai: Fudan University Press, 2007

37.Ibsen and China's New Culture Movement, Wenjing (Shanghai), Issue 4, 2006

38.Ibsen's Reception in China, China Reading News, May 24, 2006

39.Ibsen: The Banner of Modern Drama, Social Science News, July 20, 2006

40.True Art is Multifaceted, Literature and Art News, August 12, 2006

41.Self-Cultivation: Tennessee Williams and Foucault, Nanjing Social Science, Issue 8, 2005, pp. 72-77

42.Ibsen in China, Magical Imagination: Nordic Writers and Chinese Culture, Wang Ning et al., Ningxia People's Publishing House, 2005, pp. 86-111

43.Hamsun's View of Nature, Journal of Nanjing University, 2004, Issue 6, pp. 107-113.

44.On Heda Gabler as a Decadent, Foreign Literature Review, 2004, Issue 3, pp. 137-143.

45.Beckett's Meta-Drama Study, Contemporary Foreign Literature, 2004, Issue 3, pp. 80-85.

46.Ibsen and the 'Fin de Siècle': The Shaping of the Artist's Image, Ibsen and China: Towards an Aesthetic Construction, edited by Wang Ning and Sun Jian, Tianjin People's Publishing House, 2004, pp. 54-67.

47.A Brief Discussion on the Characteristics of Nordic Literature, Review (Jiangsu), 2004, Issue 2.

48.Beckett: Rewriting Drama into Novel, Contemporary Foreign Literature, 2003, Issue 3, pp. 47-52.

49.Influence or Intertextuality, Foreign Literature Studies, 2003, Issue 2, pp. 31-35.

50.On Nordic Neo-Romantic Literature, Foreign Literature Studies, 2003, Issue 4, pp. 158-161.

Major Research Projects

1.Chair of “Contemporary Western Theories of Drama and Theatre”, Key Research Project in Arts, National Humanities and Social Sciences Fund, 2018-2022

2.Chair of “the Nordic Literature in late 19th century”, National Humanities and Social Sciences Fund (2004-2008)

3.Chair of “Interculturalism in Theatre: Adapting Western Plays in contemporary China”, Social Sciences Fund of Chinese Ministry of Education (2009-2012)

4.Chair of “Contemporary Foreign Literature in the Context of Globalization (1980-2000)”, a sub-project of “The Process of World History and Contemporary Foreign Literature”, Key National Humanities and Social Sciences Fund (2011-2016)

5.Chair of “Representation of the Other,” EU Asia-Link project “European-Chinese Double MA degree program in intercultural studies” (2006-2008)

6.Principle Investigator, “Ibsen across cultures” (led by Frode Helland), Norwegian Research Council (2009-2012)

7.Chair of European Language Policy and European Identity, China-EU European Studies Center (2006-2007)

8.Chair of Nanjing University 2006 Ibsen Year, Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (2005-2006)

9.Chair of China Ibsen Research Network (www.IbseninChina.com.cn), Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs

10.Chair of Gender and Humanities Research Collaboration project, Nanjing University-Brown University (2008-)

11.Principal Investigator, Performativity of Literature International Research Cooperation project (2013-)

(IV) Award and Honor 

1.Ibsen Medal (2002, Norway) 

2.Named “National Talent” by Chinese Ministry of Education (2005)

3.Award of “Distinguished Professional” in Jiangsu Province (2008, 2011)

4.Distinguished Visiting Fellow, Brown University (US), 2009

5.Fellow, International Research Centre of Interweaving Performing Cultures, Free University of Berlin, Germany, 2012

6.Foreign Member of Academia Europaea [the Academy of Europe] (2015) 

7.Named “Leading Scholar of Humanities and Social Sciences” by the Organization Department of the CPC Central Committee (2017)

8.Named “Famous Expert of Culture”(文化名家) by the Publicity Department of the CPC Central Committee  (2018)

9.Awarded The Most Downloaded Article of 2018-2019 certificate by Wiley, USA (2020)

10.Received Special Allowance from the State Council (2020)

11.The National Social Science Fund's major project Post-war World Process and Foreign Literature Process Research (sub-project leader) won the first prize for outstanding achievements in philosophy and social sciences in Jiangsu Province (2020)

12.Nanjing University Humanities Research Contribution Award (2020)