
Chen Jing

Associate Professor

Chen Jing is an Associate Professor of the School of Arts at Nanjing University andthe founding member of the Innovation Center for Digital HumanitiesResearch at the Institute of Advanced Studies of Social Science andHumanities of Nanjing University. After received the Ph.D. fromNanjing University in 2009, she worked at Shanghai JiaotongUniversity (2009-2012) as an associate researcher and Rice Universityas Luce postdoctoral researcher Rice University. Her current interestfocuses on the Digital Art and Digital Humanities, especially thevisual knowledge production with digital technology. She publishedessays in Chinese and English and curated exhibitions of painting, VRartworks, and Generative Art. She is the project manager of theEphemera Project and the Co-PI of the Chinese CommercialAdvertisement Archive (1880-1940), the project of the Virtual Museumof the Grand Canal of China (Jinagsu section). Her team funded ZHI,a digital museum of intangible heritage of Chinese craftsmanship,which was selected by the"2019 Design Power 100" award. Sheis the founder and chief editor of 01Lab (零壹Lab)a public wechat journal with more than 7000 subscribers.


·Visiting Scholar, The Edith O'DonnellInstitute of Art History, University of Texas at Dallas,AugustNovember, 2019

·Adjunct Researcher, Center forContemporary Cultural Studies of China, Shanghai University, 2019-

·Associate Professor, School of Arts,Nanjing University, 2017-

·Associate Professor, Art Institute,Nanjing University, 2015-2017

·Associate Researcher, Art Institute,Nanjing University, 2014-2015

·Visiting Scholar, School of Humanities,Rice University, 2014-2015

·Postdoctoral Fellow of Ephemera Project,Chao Center for Asian Studies, Rice University, 2012-2014

·Assistant Professor, Institute of Artsand Humanities, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, 2009-2013

·Visiting Scholar, Asian and AfricaLanguage and Literature Department, Duke University, 2007-2008


·Editorial member, DigitalHumanities《数字人文》,2019-

·Reviewer, positions: asia critique, 2013-

·Reviewer, Cultural Studies《文化研究》,2015-

·Reviewer, Library Development 《图书馆论坛》,2017-

·Reviewer, International Journal ofDigital Archiving and Digital Humanities《数位典藏与数字人文》,2018-

·Program Committee member, the 9thInternational Conference of Digital Archives and Digital Humanities,2018; the 10th International Conference of Digital Archives andDigital Humanities, 2019;

·Executive member of Association ofComparative Literature and Cross-culture Studies 比较文学与跨文化学会,2019-

·Editorial Committee member, DigitalHumanities Studies《数字人文研究》,a series of book on Digital Humanities at Nanjing University Press

·External Reviewer, The EducationUniversity of Hong Kong (EdUHK), 2015


·2017- "The Archive of IntangibleHeritages of Nanjing City", sponsored by Nanjing City government

·2015- "The Virtual Museum of theGrand Canal of China", sponsored by Nanjing Museum

·2014- "The Chinese CommercialAdvertisement Archive", sponsored by the Houston Endowment, RiceUniversity and Nanjing University

·2012- "Ephemera Project", LuceFoundation, Project Manager; Responsibilities: assistant supervisorto design the project structure and plan, publish researchingprogress of project, report to the foundation, edit the special issueand organize the workshops; collaborating with librarian, computerscientist and other experts to develop the metadata schema, design &launch database and managing the working flow and process.


Book chapters

1. "Debating and Developing DigitalHumanities in China: New or Old?", with Lik Hang Tsui, inDomenico Fiormonte, Sukanta Chaudhuri, and Paola Ricaurte ed. GlobalDebates in the Digital Humanities, University of Minnesota Press(forthcoming)

2. "Literature After 'The End ofLiterature': A Case of Electronic Literature," ComparativeLiterature Today and Methodological Rethinking, eds. Yang Naiqiao,Liu Yunhua, Song Binhui. Shanghai: Fudan University Press (May 2014).

3. "The Report of News and PublishingIndustry in Guangxi Provice," 2006 Blue Book of Guangxi: Reportof Cultural Industry, (co-author), eds. Li Jianping. Nanning: GuangxiPeople Press (Feb 2006).

4. "The Way of Mass Culture:  ModernProtection and Transformation of Hei Chuang's Traditional Culture"In The Holy and Plain Beauty, eds. Wang Chaoyuan. Guilin: GuangxiNormal University Press (Oct. 2005).

5. "Rethiking in Communication: FromFolk Song to Nanning International Folk Song Arts Festival,"Ceremony for Seeking Mother: the Aesthetic  Anthropology'sInvestigation of Nanning International Folk Song Arts Festival, eds.Wang Jie. Guilin: Guangxi Normal University Press (Sep. 2004).


1. Translation of Fredrick Kittler,"Introduction' to Gramophone, Film, Typewriter", CultureStudies, Vol.13, (2012)

2. Translation of Alif Dirlik, "FurtherReflections on 'Global Modernity: Modernity in the Age of GlobalCapitalism'", Research on Marxist Aesthetics, (2011)

3. Translation of Andrew Collier,"Dialectic in Marxism and critical realism", Criticalrealism and Marxism,(2002)

Articles inAcademic journals

1. "Art and Sci-tech in Two Cultures:From Morse to Future Talent"(Chinese), China Literature and ArtCriticism中国文艺评论,2020(2)

2. "Generation, Transformation andKnowledge Production: Approaches to the Integration of DigitalTechnology and Art"(Chinese), Journal of Art Theory and ArtHistory艺术理论与艺术史学刊,2019(3);

3. "Plural Digital Humanities: AComparative Study on Chins's Digital Humanities"(Chinese),Comparative Literature in China中国比较文学,Issue 4 (2019).

4. "Digital Image and Visual KnowledgeProduction in the AI Era"(Chinese), Research on MarxistAesthetics马克思主义美学研究No.2 (2018).

5. "The Current Situation of Researchon the Digital Humanities in Contemporary China"(Chinese),Shandong Social Sciences山东社会科学,Volume 275, (Fall 2018).

6. "The Crisis of Digital Humanitiesin the Transformation of Knowledge Production", CulturalStudies文化研究,Volume 33, (Spring 2018).

7. "Digitally Archiving AdvertisingEphemera: The Case of the Chinese Commercial Advertisement Archive(CCAA) (1880-1940)" (Chinese)JianghaiAcademic Journal江海学刊,2017(2),pp165-171.

8. "Deep into Net: Internet Art andEncoding" (Chinese), Journal of Xuzhou Institute徐州工程学院学报,December 2016, pp68-76.

9. "The State of the Archive: ResearchResources for Advertising Studies in Mainland China"(English),Asia Pacific Perspectives (ISSN: 2167-1699), Vol13, No.2, 2016.

10. "History and Debate: DigitalHumanities in U.S and U.K"(Chinese), Cultural Studies文化研究,Volume 16, (Fall 2013), pp206-221.

11. "The End of The Late Print Age:Rethink Derrida's Idea of Literature"(Chinese), BeifangLuncong北方论丛,Volume 239, No.3 (2013), pp43-47.

12. "Toward the Ontology of Medium: InHonor of Fredrick Kittler" (Chinese), Culture Studies文化研究,Volume 13, (2012), pp289-301.

13. "Refashioning of the PrintLiterature Internet Literature in China"(English), ComparativeLiterature Studies, Volume 49, No.4 (2012), pp537-546.

14. "Cyborg: Metaphor of Human andMachine "(Chinese), Research on Marxist Aesthetics马克思主义美学研究,No.2 (2012)

15. "Traditional Recurrence as a Kindof New Literary: Cultural interpretation of Contemporary Predicamentof Network Literature" (Chinese), Hundred Schools in Arts艺术百家,No.2 (2009), pp166-170.

16. "As Mass Narrative and Critics forSociety: Construction of the Cyborg mythology" (Chinese), SocialScientist社会科学家,No.7 (2009), pp24-28.

17. "We are Cyborgs——The CulturalSpectacle in Age of Information" (Chinese), Journal of XiangtanUniversity湘潭大学学报,Volume 33, No.5 (September, 2009), pp106-109.

18. "From Culturalism to DiscourseTurn Stuart Hall and the Transformation of Paradigm in CulturalStudies" (Chinese), Research on Marxist Aesthetics马克思主义美学研究,No. 2 (2009), pp256-272; reprinted by Journal of China Renda SocialSciences Information Center: Cultural Studies, No.12 (2010).

19. "Predicament of 'Walking away' and'Walking into': the Exploitation and the Protection of Culture of HeiChuang" (Chinese), with Liu Ping, Journal of Guangxi NormalUniversity广西师范大学学报,Volume 40, No.4 (2004), pp76-79.


Research Project

  1. "The Archive of Intangible Heritages of Nanjing City",sponsored by Nanjing City government, 2017-.

2. "The Virtual Museum of the GrandCanal of China", sponsored by Nanjing Museum, 2015-.

3. "The Chinese CommercialAdvertisement Archive", sponsored by the Houston Endowment, RiceUniversity and Nanjing University, 2014-,

4. "Ephemera Project", LuceFoundation, Project Manager; Responsibilities: assistant supervisorto design the project structure and plan, publish researchingprogress of project, report to the foundation, edit the special issueand organize the workshops; collaborating with librarian, computerscientist and other experts to develop the metadata schema, design &launch database and managing the working flow and process, 2012- .


1. Augmenting Creativity: Decoding AI andGenerative Art (with Jason Bailey), Nanjing University, November3.15, 2019.

2. Border Diggers: Collective Exhibition ofNanjing University and City University of Hong Kong, Art Museum ofNanjing University, December 20, 2017-Jan 20, 2018.

3. Maurice Benayoun: Just Dig It!, ArtMuseum of Nanjing University, December 20, 2017-Jan 20, 2018.


Papers presentedat professional meetings

1. "Advertising Chinese ModernSociety: graphesis, concept modeling, historical method", the7th Social Media Process, Haerbing, August 2-4, 2018.

2. "From Image to Knowledge: VisualKnowledge Production in the Advertisements of Modern China",Perking University, Beijing, June 13-15, 2018.

3. "Advertising Chinese ModernSociety: graphesis, concept modeling, historical method",Digital Humanities Asia, Stanford Humanities Center, Stanford April27-28, 2018.

4. "A Prehistory of Digital Humanitiesin China", the 2018 Annual Conference of Association for AsianStudies, Washington D.C., March 22-25, 2018.

5. "Digital Humanities in NanjingUniversity", International Conference on Cyberinsfrastructurefor Chinese Historical Studies, Harvard China Center, ShanghaiMarch14-16, 2018.

6. "Digital Humanities in China",the Workshop of " Digital Humanities and Literary Studies,Tsinghua University, Jun 20-11, 2017.

7. "Commercial Advertising Ephemeraand the Meaning Mining of Images," "Digital Humanities andHistory Studies," the 2nd forum of Digital Humanities, PekingUniversity, May 26, 2017.

8. " Computation and Humanities:Digital Humanities as a new field," the 10th R conference,Tsinghua University, May 21, 2017.

9. "Concept Modeling and AdvertisingChinese Modern Society," "Digital Scholars, an emergingprofession,"the 7th International Conference of Digital Archives and DigitalHumanitiestheNational Taiwan University, TaiwanDecember1-3.

10. "Fundamental Issues of New MediaArt Thoery," "Studies on Framework of Literary Knowledge"RenminUniversity of China, November 19-20, 2016.

11. "Concept Modeling the AdvertisingChinese Modern Society," Digital Humanities 2016 Conference,July 11-16, 2016.

12. "The King of Shanzhai: Internetbased Innovations in China," the Workshop of "Digital Eraand Everyday Experience Critique of Contemporary China, NanjingUniversity, July 23.

13. "The King of Shanzhai: Internetbased Innovations in China", The 2016 Annual Conference of theAssociation of Asian Studies, March 31-April 3, 2016.

14. "The Chinese CommercialAdvertising Archive: a Digital Ephemera Project Workshop," RiceUniversity, April 4-5, 2016.

15. Digital Archiving Advertising Ephemera:a Case of Commercial Chinese Advertisement Archive," "History Studies in Big Data Era"ShanghaiUniversity, December 4-5, 2015.

16. "Image and Transformation ofMedia: Production of Visual Knowledge in Digital Age," the forumof Young Scholars of Art Science, Nanjing University of Art, June12-15.

17. "From Images to Data: MetadatingChinese Commercial Advertisements ", Around the World InternetConference, University of Alberta, April 30, 2015 .

18. "Statistics and DigitalHumanities", 2014 Tsinghua-Sanya Workshop on Big Data:Opportunities, Challenges and Innovations, December 27-30, 2014.

19. "Concept Network: From ChineseCommercial Newspaper Advertisement to the Sociological Theory inModern China", the Workshop of "From Humanities to DigitalHumanities"(with Ke Deng), National Chengchi University, Taiwan,December 5-6, 2014 .

20. "Digitally Archiving AdvertisingEphemera: The Case of the Chinese Commercial Advertisement Archive(CCAA) (1880-1940)", the Fifth International Conference ofDigital Archive and Digital Humanities, Academia Sinica DigitalCenter; Research Center for Digital Humanities, National TaiwanUniversity, December 1-2, 2014.

21. "‘Metadating' Advertisement: Thecase of the Chinese Commercial Advertisement Archive (CCAA)(1880-1940)", Advertising and Marketing in China:Chinese-Western Cultural Encounters (19th c. – Present), Center forAsia Pacific Studies, University of San Francisco, November 13-14.

22. "From Images to Data: MetadatingChinese Commercial Advertisements ", Around the World InternetConference, University of Alberta, April 30, 2015 .

23. "Statistics and DigitalHumanities", 2014 Tsinghua-Sanya Workshop on Big Data:Opportunities, Challenges and Innovations, December 27-30, 2014.

24. "Concept Network: From ChineseCommercial Newspaper Advertisement to the Sociological Theory inModern China", the Workshop of "From Humanities to DigitalHumanities"(with Ke Deng), National Chengchi University, Taiwan,December 5-6, 2014 .

25. "Digitally Archiving AdvertisingEphemera: The Case of the Chinese Commercial Advertisement Archive(CCAA) (1880-1940)", the Fifth International Conference ofDigital Archive and Digital Humanities, Academia Sinica DigitalCenter; Research Center for Digital Humanities, National TaiwanUniversity, December 1-2, 2014.

26. "'Metadating' Advertisement: Thecase of the Chinese Commercial Advertisement Archive (CCAA)(1880-1940)", Advertising and Marketing in China:Chinese-Western Cultural Encounters (19th c. – Present), Center forAsia Pacific Studies, University of San Francisco, November 13-14.

27. "From Image Archive to The ConceptNetwork"(Poster Presentation), "Networks in theHumanities", The Texas Digital Humanities Consortium, Universityof Houston, April 10-12, 2014.

28. "What Changed: Ephemera fromPrinting to Digital", the Ephemera Workshop of "Ephemera:Current and Future", Rice University, December 6-7, 2013.

29. "Digitizing Historical Ephemera",2013 Harvard Radcliffe Exploratory Workshop on Text Mining inLiterary Chinese, Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study, HarvardUniversity, October 18–19, 2013.

30. "The Digital Archiving ofEphemera: Chinese Commercial Advertisement Archive", theEphemera Workshop of "Defining Ephemera", Rice University,December 8-9, 2012.

31. "Refashioning the PrintLiterature: Internet Literature in China ", the 5th ElectronicLiterature Organization Conference (ELO) , sponsored by West VirginiaUniversity, Morgantown, WV, June 20-23,2012..

32. "Between the Virtual and the Real:Living Condition of Post-human in China," the Second"Sino-British Bilateral Forum on Marxist Aesthetics",Manchester University, April 10-16, 2012.

33. "As a new revolution: ElectronicLiterature in New Media Age", 2011 Annual Conference of ChineseComparative Literature Association, co-sponsored by Fudan University,Shanghai Normal University, 13-14 July, 2011(also as the panelorganizer).

34. "Rethinking the text(uality) inDigital Context", "Ephemera and Archives Workshop",Rice University, 2-4 December, 2011.

35. "Internet Literature in China: ANew Literary Revolution?", Comparative Literature in the Phaseof World Literature: The Fifth Sino-American Symposium on ComparativeLiterature, co-sponsored by Institute of Arts and Humanities atShanghai Jiao Tong University, Harvard University and TsinghuaUniversity, 22-23 August, 2010.

Invited Lectures

1. "Why do we need Digital Humanitiesin China", Yale University, April 6, 2018.

2. "Can Cyborg Change the Future ofSexality?", Zaojiu Lectures, Shanghai, March 18, 2018.

3. "The Frontier of HumanitiesResearch and Cultural Heritage in the Big Data Era", Big Dataand Social Science Workshop, Jan 19. 2018.

4. "What Kind of AI do We Need?",Kuang-Chi, Oct 29, 2017.


·Introductionto Cultural Studies

Nanjing University,Spring Course, 2017, 2018, 2019

·CreativeCases Studies and Innovation Model

Nanjing University,Spring Course, 2017, 2018, 2019

·NewMedia Culture and Creativity

Nanjing University,2015, 2016, 2017, 2018

·AdvancedStudies on Cultural Creativity

Nanjing University,Spring Course, 2015

·UrbanLab-Shanghai, Poli/Asia 347

Rice university,Spring Course, 2013

·Chineselanguage, Literature, and Culture

Shanghai Jiao TongUniversity, Spring Course, Chinese Classical Poetry, General SelectedCourse, 50 students, 2010-2011; 2011-2012


Shanghai Jiao TongUniversity, Autumn Course, Contemporary Culture and Media in China(Co-teacher), General Selected  Course, 90 students, 2009-2011;2011-2012

·NewMedia Studies

Shanghai Jiao TongUniversity, Autumn Course, New Media Studies, Selected Course forGraduate Students, 2009-2010; 2010-2011; 2011-2012