
Zhao Xing

Academic researcher

Zhao Xing

Education:Ph.D.in Art History, Theory, and CriticismUniversityof California, San Diego

(I)Research Interests:

  • Modernand contemporary art history

(II) Courses Taught:

  • Specialtopics in non-Chinese art (graduate course)

  • Media and Humanities(undergraduate course)

  • Literature andHumanities (undergraduate course)

(III) Research Achievements




  1. Negotiating A GlobalIdentity: Communicating China in Art and Visual Culture (London andNew York: Routledge, forthcoming)

  2. [翻译Trans.]《主权自我:从启蒙运动到先锋派的审美自律》,南京大学出版社,待出版(原作:GrantKester, The Sovereign Self: Aesthetic Autonomy from theEnlightenment to the Avant-Garde, Duke University Press, 2023)

Journal Articles

Essays in English (bookchapters, and others)

  1. Sewing the Self: Art,Needlework and Liu Beili’s Intersectional Identity,” Spring2022, Journal of Contemporary Chinese Art, Vol. 9, No.1&2,Special Issue “The New Generation: Contemporary Chinese Art in theDiaspora,” Bistrol UK &Wilminton USA: Intellect Ltd., pp.113–31.

  2. (Inter)Dependency:Privately-Owned Art Museums in State-Sponsored West Bund,”January/February 2018, Yishu: Journal of Contemporary Chinese Art,Vol. 17, No. 1, Taipei: Art & Collection Group Ltd., pp. 30-45.

  3. Internationalizing Mao:Creation of the Mao Cult in China Reconstruye and Its Reception inLatin America,” Autumn 2017, Journal of Contemporary Chinese Art,Vol. 4, No. 2&3, Special Issue: “Making the New World: TheArts of China’s Cultural Revolution,” Bistrol UK &WilmintonUSA: Intellect Ltd., pp. 161–81.     

  4. Atavistic Culturalismand ContemporaryRelevance:Modern Chinese Paintings in the Second National Arts Exhibition(1937),” in Histories, Politics, and Practices: Exhibiting ChineseArt in Asia, edited by Selina Ho, Amsterdam: Amsterdam UniversityPress, forthcoming.

  5. Nationalism on theInternational Stage: Chinesische Malerei der Gegenwart, 1934,” inInk Meets Oil: Chinese Artists Trained in Europe (1920-1945), editedby Sarah Fraser and Kuiyi Shen, Leiden: Brill, forthcoming.

  6. [翻译Trans.]《作为文学社会学范畴的艺术体制》(TheInstitution of Art as a Category of the Sociology of Literature”) ,20世纪西方艺术社会学精粹》,周计武编,中国社会科学出版社,2022,398-424

Selected Chinese JournalArticles (published in Chinese in peer-reviewed academic journals andothers)

  1. LiminalSpace in Ladies’ Room: Feminist Intermediality in Cui Xiuwen’sVideo Art,《外国美学》第38辑,2023年,第184-200

  2. MappingIntermediality: A Cross-Disciplinary Voyage from Literary Theory toFilm Studies, 《艺术百家》,2022年第一期,第32-40

(IV) Award and Honor

JiangsuDouble-Innovation Innovationand EntrepreneurshipTalentsProgram (Jiangsu Province, 2022-2024)

ResearchFellowship “Entangled Modernism: Chinese Artists Trained in Europe”(Getty Foundation,2017-2018)