
Wang Shixiao

Assistant Researcher

(I)Research Interests:

  • Cultural and creative industry research

  • Art archeology of the Silk Road

  • Comparison of the ancient art between China and theWest

(II)Courses Taught:

Cultural creativity Experimental class

Introduction to design practice

Rural revitalization and Social innovation

(III)Research Achievements



Chinese Tomb murals of the Great Silk Road.Southeast University Press, 2019.


“Revolutionary Cultural Relics Art Exhibitionfrom the perspective of the cross-media”,  InternationalAesthetics2023.

“A comparative Study of the ‘Musicians andBanquet’ mural paintings in Han tombs and the ‘Musicians andPraeficae’ Roman sarcophagus”, Research of Chinese Fine Arts,2022.

“‘Mirror Image’ from the Perspective ofBurial System: Symbolic Characteristics, Chinese Creation and VisualSymbol of Thousand Buddha Images”NationalArts2022.

On the Differences between Han Rhapsodies and HanPaintings in Their Portrayal of the Queen Mother of the West andTheir Religious Significance. ReligionsA&HCI,2022(13):1-25.

A study on the ‘pictorial’ form and itspresence of tomb painting with the motif of ‘The emperor have anaudience with Queen Mother of the West’ ”,Journal of GuangxiUniversity for Nationalities,2021.

Fusion and Breakthrough: Study onNationalization and Decorative Aesthetic Characteristics of flyingApsaras Images of Xiaohengshan Mural Tomb in Yuhang, ZhejiangProvince”, Art, 2020.

“Feather men in Han Tombs and the Chinese flyingApsaras in the Southern Dynasties —— The New Development ofSymbols in the Tomb System”, Journal of Southwest MinzuUniversity,2020.

MajorResearch Projects

The comparative arts theory of tombs:  thecomparison of Chinese and western arts of tombs and “types”research(22CA161). National Social Science Fund for DistinguishedYoung Scholars, 2022.

The research on the paradigm transformation of theJiangsu folk art industry in the new normal of China’s economy,Innovation plan project of the Education Department of JiangsuProvince, 2016-2022.

(IV) Award and Honor

a member of Jiangsu Province Double-InnovationDoctor Program

The 3rd prize of the 15th Outstanding AchievementAward of Philosophy and Social Sciences of Jiangsu Province.