
Liu Delong

Associate Professor

Liu Delong

Date of Birth: August10th, 1976

Education: PhD Candidate,Design School, Jiangnan University

Position: Master’s Supervisor in Chinese Painting Direction

Work Experience:

  • 2022 - Present: Master’sSupervisor, School of Art, Nanjing University

  • 2012-2022: AssociateProfessor (2015), Master’s Supervisor (2016), Professor (2019),School of Art and Design, Changzhou University

  • 1999-2012: SeniorTeacher (2011), Wuxi No.1 High School


  • Member of the ChineseArtists Association (2018)

  • Member of the ChineseLiterary Critics Association (2020)


  • Chinese Painting andCalligraphy Creation and Theory,

  • Ancient Creations

  • Art Education

(II) Courses Taught:

  • Copying ancientpaintings

  • Line drawing and inkwash sketching

  • Appreciation andcreation of abstract painting (undergraduate level)

(III) ResearchAchievements




  1. POPAdvertising Design, Shanghai People’s Fine Arts Publishing House,2017, Jiangsu Province Higher Education Key Textbook, co-author 1/2

  2. POPAdvertising Design, Shanghai People’s Fine Arts Publishing House,20092011Jiangsu Province Excellent Textbook, co-author, 1/2

  3. ArtAppreciation and Practice, East China Normal University Press, 2021,Deputy Editor-in-Chief, approved by the Ministry of Education,during the “14th Five-Year Plan” for national vocationaleducation textbooks

  4. LearningCeramics, Shanghai People’s Fine Arts Publishing House, 2003,revised edition in 2006, 1/1,

  5. SketchingDesign”, 2019 Beijing University Press, co-author, author ofChapter One.

  6. In2020, recorded a 13-lecture video course on “Abstract Art” forNanjing University of the Arts on the Chaoxing Course Platform. 1/1

Journal Articles


  1. UnderstandingArtistic Reforms”, Art Journal (CSSCI), 2018 8th Issue, 1/1

  2. ChenHongshou Calligraphy under the Influence of Pu Xue”, ChineseCalligraphy (CSSCI), 2018 20th Issue, 1/1

  3. Beautyof Water Rhyme”, Art Observation (CSSCI Expanded Edition), 201812th Issue, 1/1

  4. Howto View ‘Roaring Writing’ and ‘Ink Shooting’”, Art Review(CSSC Expanded Edition), 2018 12th Issue, 1/1

  5. AfternoonBreeze”, Art Observation (CSSCI Expanded Edition), 2018 12thIssue, 1/1

  6. Heguang”, Art (CSSCI), 2017 3rd Issue, 1/1

  7. CityChanges and the Culture of Spring Couplets”, Art Observation(CSSCI), 2011 3rd Issue, co-first author, 1/2

  8. WhyContemporary Exhibitions Exhaust Visitors”, Art Observation(CSSCI), 2011 11th Issue, 1/1

  9. IssuesRelated to Large-scale Production of Artworks in Contemporary ArtExhibitions”, Proceedings of the National Art Summit ForumYangzhou (First Prize), Chinese Artists Association, 2019, 1/1

  10. Establishinga Doctoral Training System that Suits the Law of Painting Practiceand Meets Future Needs”, Popular Calligraphy, 2023 1st Issue, 1/1

  11. Interpretationsof Life”, Jiangsu Provincial Art Gallery, 2022 1st Issue, 1/1

  12. VigorousExpression of Life Consciousness: Observations on Sun Bowen’s LateLarge-scale Paintings”, Chinese Painting and Calligraphy News(Nov. 16, 2022), 1/1

  13. Onthe Large-scale Production of Artworks in Contemporary ArtExhibitions from the Perspective of “National Exhibition Class”,Winning paper at the 2019 “National Art Summit Forum- Yangzhou”Call for Papers (Membership Admission Work, Highest Award), in theentry “Collection of National Art Summit Forum-Yangzhou Papers,”Tianjin People’s Fine Arts Publishing House, 20201/1

  14. Buildinga Doctoral Education System that Meets the Practice Rules ofPainting, Solo article in the 2023 issue 1 of “PopularCalligraphy”1/1

  15. Interpretationsof Diverse Life, Solo article in the 2022 issue 1 of “JiangsuProvince Art Museum” 1/1

  16. VibrantAwareness of Life: Observing Sun Bowen’s Large-scale Paintings inLater Years, Entire page solo article in the 2022 issue 44 of “ChinaPainting and Calligraphy News,” November 16, 2022 1/1

  17. TheReproduction and Evolution of the Design Paradigm of Mansheng Pot byYucheng Kiln Purple Clay, Solo article in the 2020 issue 4 of“Design and Creativity”1/1

  18. Followthe Footsteps of the Ancient and Pursue the Elegance: Yixing PurpleClay Art at the Turn of Ming and Qing Dynasties, Solo article in the2019 issue 1 of “Design and Creativity”1/1

  19. TheMediator Psychology in Zhang Daqian’s Splashing Ink and ColorPaintings, Solo article in the 2019 issue 3 of “Rong Bao Zhai,”1/2 as the first author

  20. ModernExploration and Multiple Expressions of Calligraphy from a GlobalPerspective, Solo article in the December 4, 2020 issue of “ChinaSocial Science News” 1/1

  21. OnceElegant and Once Vulgar: Review of “The Good Taste for Art: TheConsumption of Calligraphy and Painting During the Jiajing and WanliReigns of the Ming Dynasty”, Solo article published in the 16thedition of “Guangming Daily” on August 22, 2017 (Included in theSixth Chinese Calligraphy Lanting Award for “The Good Taste forArt”) 1/1

  22. RealisticEmotions and Imaginative Expressions, Solo article in the 2021 issue5 of “Chinese Art”1/1

  23. The“Decline and Reform” of Chinese Artists, Solo article in theDecember 17, 2018 issue of “China Social Science News” 1/1

  24. TheCentrism in the Evolution of Zhang Daqian’s Splashing Ink andColor Paintings, Solo article in the 2017 issue 1 of “NeijiangNormal University Journal”1/1

  25. Diversificationand High Quality, Solo article in the 2017 issue 8 of “OrientalArt Calligraphy”1/1

  26. TheFive Consequences of Contemporary Calligraphy Education, Soloarticle in the 2017 issue 12 of “Oriental Art Calligraphy”1/1

  27. Interviewwith Liu Delong, Episode 173 of “Laoxu Interview,” September 19,2022, 6th edition, Youth Calligraphy Newspaper

  28. ChineseCalligrapher: Interview with Liu Delong, Article in the 2016 issue11 of “Painting and Calligraphy World”

Major Research Projects


  1. 2014- Series of Ethnic Industrial Heritage Paintings, National ArtsFund, project completed. Principal Investigator.

  2. 2014-2021- Study of Confucianism and Traditional Chinese painting language,National Social Science Fund, third participant.

  3. 2012-2016- Development of High School Abstract Painting Curriculum andCreative Thinking Training, Jiangsu Education Science PlanningProject, project completed. Principal Investigator.

  4. 2014-2018- Comparative Study of Zhang Daqian’s Ink and Color Splashing andCheng Jixuan’s Paper Ink Splashing, Sichuan Provincial EducationDepartment Social Science Key Project, excellent completion.Principal Investigator.

(IV) Award and Honor


  1. TwelfthNational Art Exhibition (Ministry of Culture, China Federation ofLiterary and Art Circles, Chinese Artists Association), 2014, 1/2

  2. EleventhNational Art Exhibition (Ministry of Culture, China Federation ofLiterary and Art Circles, Chinese Artists Association), 2009, 1/3

  3. 2022Tianfu Impressions - National Chinese Painting Exhibition, Chengdu,Sichuan, 2022, 1/1

  4. HanmoShenmu” National Chinese Painting Exhibition, Chinese ArtistsAssociation, 2018, 1/1

  5. FifthNational Academy of Fine Arts Exhibition, China National Academy ofPainting, Jiangsu Provincial Department of Culture, 2017, 1/1

  6. 2016National Chinese Painting Exhibition, Dongying, Shandong (ChineseArtists Association), 1/1

  7. ChinesePottery and Porcelain Town” Second National Chinese PaintingExhibition, Yixing, Jiangsu Province (Chinese Artists Association),2014, 1/1

  8. WannianPujiang” National Chinese Painting Exhibition, Pujiang, Zhejiang(Chinese Artists Association), 2014, 1/1

  9. TaishanZhi Zun” National Landscape and Watercolor Painting Exhibition,Taian, Shandong (Chinese Artists Association), 2014, 1/1

  10. TaishanZhi Zun” National Chinese Painting Exhibition, Taian, Shandong(Chinese Artists Association), 2013, 1/1

  11. WuGuanzhong Art Museum Opening and National Chinese PaintingExhibition, Yixing, Jiangsu Province (Chinese Artists Association),2012, 1/1

  12. HanmoNew Image” National Chinese Painting Exhibition, Shanghai (ChineseArtists Association), 2012, 1/1

  13. JingHao Cup · Chinese Painting Biennial Exhibition, Awarded ExcellentPrize (Highest Award) (China National Academy of Painting, HenanProvincial Party Committee Propaganda Department, Henan ProvincialFederation of Literary and Art Circles), 2012, 1/1

  14. SixteenthAsian Games Contemporary Art Exhibition, Beijing (The 16th AsianGames Organizing Committee), 2010, 1/1

  15. Thefirst China Guangzhou International Exhibition of Book Tickets andMiniature Printmaking was held, and an Outstanding Book Ticket Awardwas presented in Guangzhou (China Book Ticket Society) 20101/1.

  16. The13th National Book Ticket Miniature Printmaking Art Exhibition andInternational Book Ticket Master Invitation Exhibition titled“Feijian Cunxin” was held in Beijing (China Book TicketSociety)20101/1.

  17. Thesecond National Mural Exhibition was held in Beijing (China MuralSociety) 20091/3.


  1. FushanShanshui - Liu Delong’s Calligraphy and Painting Exhibition”,Taizhou, 2022

  2. PureWater is Formless - Liu Delong’s Calligraphy and PaintingExhibition”, Taipei, 2019

  3. AutumnWater Moon and Flowers - Liu Delong’s Calligraphy and PaintingExhibition”, Wuxi, 2017

  4. ChenghuaiGuandao - Liu Delong’s Painting Exhibition”, Yangzhou, 2013