

Associate professor



  • Art Education

  • East Asian Art

  • East-West Art Comparison

(II) Courses Taught:

  • Postgraduate Course inHistory of Oriental Art

  • Undergraduate Coursein AppreciationofEast Asian Art

(III) ResearchAchievements




  1. A Study on Chen Zhifo'sIdeas of Fine Arts Education. Jiangsu People's Publishing House,2018.

Journal Articles

  1. A Preliminary Study of theGlyphs# of Goguryeo Bronze Kettle, Journal of Nanjing ArtInstituteFineArt &Design (CSSCI), No. 6, 2020.

  2. 2. ThePurpleAirComes fromEast--- AResearchon the Origin of Taicheng’sPlanningDirection inSix Dynasties, Zhuangshi(CSSCI), August 2020.

  3. 3. FangXiangshi’sCompatibility:A Study on the Origin of ApparelCostumeImage and Its Symbolic System. Art& DesignResearch(CSSCI), No. 4, 2020.

  4. 4. The Symbolic Connotationof GoldenCrowncurved jade in Silla, Journal of Nanjing ArtInstituteFineArt &Design (CSSCI), No. 6, 2019.

  5. 5. Research on Chen Zhifo'sPattern Teaching, Chen Zhifo'sResearch Papers, edited by Nanjing Museum, YilinTranslationPublishingHouse, Dec. 2016.

  6. 6. Observingwith the Heart--AStudy of SongheeLim'sAbstract Painting, Art and Criticism, No. 4, 2015.

  7. 7. Origin and CulturalConnotation of the GrotesqueStone picture of China and Korea, Jiangsu Social Sciences (CSSCI),No. 6, 2014.

  8. 8. Korean Folk PaintingTextImage,Journal of Nanjing Art Institute Fine Art & Design (CSSCI), No.4, 2014.

  9. 9. Study on the "Sasim"Inheritance and Aesthetic Thought of "sim"in the History of Korean Painting, Art and Culture, No. 4, 2014.

  10. 10. A Study on theGrotesqueStone Diagram of SongheeLim,The Aesthetics of Vitality——The Art World of SongheeLim,WoljeonMuseunofArtIcheon,September 2014.

Besides,Morethan 20 articles have been published in Chinese and Korean journalsand collections.

Major Research Projects

  1. "A Comparative Studyof East-West Art and Culture under the Idea of New Liberal ArtsEducation" Project of Undergraduate Education Teaching Reformin Nanjing University in 2021.

  2. Participated in the seminarof Chen Zhifoand 20th Century Chinese Design sponsored by the Folk Art Museum ofChina Academy of Fine Arts, March 2019.Artwork for Art: A Study on the Pattern Teaching Thought of TokyoFine Arts School during Chen's Study in Japan. Proceedings of ChenZhifo and 20th Century Chinese Design Symposium, China Academy ofFine Arts Press, August 2020.

  3. 2021 InternationalConference on Global Cultural and Creative Industries——Developmentof Cultural and Creative Industries in the Shared World"AStudy on the Current Situation and Application Plan of Cultural andArtistic Convergence Education in Korean Universities in the 21stCentury".