
Ji Feng

Associate Professor
Doctor of Fine Arts

Academic part-time jobs:

  • Member of China UrbanSculptors Association

  • Memberof Jiangsu Artists Association

  • Memberof Jiangsu Sculptors Association

  • Memberof National Watercolor Society (NWS)

(I)Research Interests:

  • Environmentalart

  • Publicart

  • Watercolorand gouache

(II) Courses Taught:

  • Decorative Painting(Graduate Course)

  • Environmental ArtResearch (Graduate Course)

  • Public Art Theory andPractice (Graduate Course)

  • Sculpture ArtAppreciation (Undergraduate Course)

  • Middle School GeneralTheory of Western Visual Art (Public Art Part) (UndergraduateCourse)

(III) ResearchAchievements



Works(textbooks, translated works, edited works):

  1. "Introductionto Art" CD-ROM version of Art Creation Theory, 2010

  2. TheArt Creation Part of "Introduction to Art Course" in 2008

  3. "ChineseUrban Sculpture - Semantics, Context and Contemporary Connotation",Southeast University Press, 2008

  4. "CampusEnvironment Design for Primary and Secondary Schools", NanjingUniversity Press, 2023

Journal Articles


  1. "CulturalPeople: Campus Cultural Design in Campus Environment Design""Industrial Engineering Design" 2023 No. 1

  2. "ThePerspective of Artificial Intelligence in Environmental Design","Industrial Engineering Design", Issue 1, 2020

  3. "PublicArt in Cultural Context" Papers of the 11th ALCA InternationalAcademic Conference June 2020

  4. "TheFourth Pedestal"—Contemporary Samples of Public Art"Art and Design (CSSCI) 2018

  5. "Interpretationof Life Through Art" "China Book Review" (CSSCI)2015

  6. "Monuments,Idols, Symbols and Public Art", "Research on MarxistAesthetics" (CSSCI), 2009

  7. "UrbanSculpture in China" "Shandong Social Sciences"(CSSCI) 2008

  8. "Onthe Aesthetic Value of Urban Public Art" "New Visual Art"(Chinese core) 2007

  9. "AestheticIssues and Evaluation Standards of Contemporary Urban Sculpture"Social Scientist (CSSCI) 2007

  10. "TheMeaning of Interpretation" "Jianghai Academic Journal"(CSSCI) 2007

  11. "Semanticsof Chinese Urban Sculpture", "Chinese Art Research"(CSSCI), 2006

  12. "WuWeishan's Freehand Sculpture" "People's Daily"(Overseas Edition) 2006

  13. "TheChinese Way of Sculpture", "Art and Design" (CSSCI),2006

  14. "ReturningEnchantment - Science and Art in the Postmodern Context", "Artand Design" (CSSCI), 2005

  15. "TheBeginning of Freehand Writing" "National Art"(CSSCI) 2005

  16. "Herculeswith the Bow" "Art and Design" (CSSCI) 2005

  17. Wheredo we come from? what are we Where are we going? "Art andDesign" (CSSCI) 2004

  18. "Returningto the Spiritual Homeland——From Bonnard's Discussion andOthers" "Painting Research" 2002

  19. "Problemsand Countermeasures in the Development of Urban Sculpture in mycountry" "City Planning" (CSSCI) 2002

MajorResearch Projects


  1. 1.Jiangsu Provincial Social Science Fund Project (06JSCYS001)"Chinese Urban Sculpture Research" 2006

  2. 2.Horizontal project "Nanjing Xinjiekou Commercial DistrictPublic Art Landscape Condition Analysis and Planning Strategy"2007

  3. 3.Horizontal project "Scenic Area and Campus Outdoor Furnitureand Campus Public Art Modeling Industry-University-ResearchProject" in 2022


  1. NationalSocial Science Fund Art Major Project "Chinese CentennialSculpture" 2018

  2. MajorProject of Philosophy and Social Science Research in JiangsuUniversities "Study on the Sinicization of Maitreya Imagesfrom the Perspective of Cross-ethnic Culture" 2018

  3. JiangsuUniversity Philosophy and Social Science Research Fund Project"Research on the Development Trend of my country's GreenEcological Buildings in Urban Space Based on the Concept ofBuilding Environmental Protection" 2017

(IV) Award and Honor

  1. Youngbackbone teacher of Nanjing University (2007)

  2. "NanjingXinjiekou "China's Famous Commercial Street" LandmarkDesign" Finalist Award of the Second National EnvironmentalArt Design Exhibition

  3. "DriedFlowers" Bronze Award in the 5th Jiangsu Watercolor Exhibition

  4. The4th Xu Beihong Scholarship

Practicalachievements (including participation, curation, creativeachievements, etc.):

Soloexhibitions and exhibitions

  1. "LoveSong of Calabash" 2021 Invitational Art Exhibition of SomeCountries along the Belt and Road in Qingdao, China (2021) ChinaUrban Sculptors Association

  2. "Lookingforward to the Spring Breeze" Well-off Elephant JiangsuSculpture Exhibition (2020) Jiangsu Federation of Literary and ArtCircles Jiangsu Artists Association

  3. "Lookingfor the Spring Breeze" The 5th China Youth Sculpture ArtExhibition (2020) China Urban Sculptors Association

  4. Jackdaw-in-the-SnowInternational“Animals” Art Exhibition (2020) LST

  5. "Bythe Grand Canal is my home" "Ancient Canal, New Rhyme,Inheritance for a Thousand Years" Impression Canal WorksExhibition of Young Artists from Suzhou and Taiwan (2020) JiangsuUniversity of Chinese Culture

  6. "Betweenthe Water and the Clouds" The Great Motherland - InvitationalExhibition of Young and Middle-aged Artists Celebrating the 70thAnniversary of the Founding of the People's Republic of China(2019) Nanjing University Innovation and Entrepreneurship Base

  7. "GourdLove Song" "National Unity" National Sculpture ArtExhibition (2019) National Art Museum of China

  8. "TheGrand Canal is My Home" "Tianning Water Rhyme Award"in the National Sculpture Art Competition of "Plastic Talkingabout the Grand Canal" (2019) China Urban SculptorsAssociation

  9. "GreatLove" Era Scenery - 2019 Jiangsu Contemporary ArtistsExhibition (2019) Jiangsu Contemporary Art Creation ResearchAssociation

  10. "BigLove" Invitational Exhibition of Excellent Works of Teachersof National Higher Art Colleges (2018) Art Education Committee ofthe Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China

  11. "SpringFlood" The 4th China Youth Sculpture Biennale (2018) ChinaUrban Sculptors Association

  12. "SummerDream" 2018 First Asia-Pacific Art Exhibition (2018)Asia-Pacific Development Research Center (Nanjing University)

  13. "ZenInk Series" Chinese Contemporary Buddhist Art Exhibition(2017) Jiangsu Federation of Literary and Art Circles

  14. "Inkand Color" Solo Exhibition (2016) Faculty of Arts andHumanities, Loughborough University, UK

  15. "WisdomGarden" 2011 Jiangsu Artists Association Provincial BranchWorks Exhibition (2011) Jiangsu Artists Association

  16. "NanjingXinjiekou "China's Famous Commercial Street" LandmarkDesign" "Design for China" The Second NationalEnvironmental Art Design Exhibition (2006) China ArtistsAssociation

  17. "StillLife with Two Pots"'21 Perspective Jiangsu Artists AssociationProvincial Branch Works Exhibition (2005) Jiangsu ArtistsAssociation

  18. "WaterTown" Jiangsu Artists Association Provincial Branch wasestablished and the first production exhibition (2001) JiangsuArtists Association

  19. "Leisure"Welcomes the New Century Jiangsu Oil Painting Competition (1999)Jiangsu Federation of Literary and Art Circles Jiangsu ArtistsAssociation

  20. "DriedFlowers" "Bronze Award" in the 5th JiangsuWatercolor Painting Exhibition (1997) Jiangsu Artists Association


  1. "HongzeLake Farm Environmental Design and Supervision District CulturalConstruction" (Overall design of the scheme)

  2. "PukouPrison Environmental Design and Prison Cultural Construction"(Overall design of the scheme)

  3. "ChangzhouPrison Environmental Design and Prison Cultural Construction"(Overall design of the scheme)

  4. "NanjingYoufu West Street Primary School Landscape Reconstruction Project"(Overall design of the scheme)

  5. "NanjingLangya Road Primary School Landscape Reconstruction Project"(Overall design of the scheme)

  6. "NanjingYushuiwan International Primary School Landscape Environment DesignProject" (Overall design of the scheme)

  7. "NanjingLasha Road Primary School Landscape Design" (Overall design ofthe scheme)

  8. 8."Nanjing Drum Tower No. 1 Central Primary School LandscapeReconstruction Project" (Overall design of the scheme)

  9. "NanjingZhonghua Middle School Landscape Design" (Overall design ofthe scheme)

  10. "NanjingHuiyuan Street Primary School Landscape Design" (Overalldesign of the scheme)

  11. "LandscapeReconstruction Project of Experimental Primary School in JianyeDistrict, Nanjing" (Overall design of the scheme)

  12. "NanjingXincheng Primary School Landscape Reconstruction Project"(Overall design of the scheme)

  13. "LandscapeReconstruction Project of Nanjing Zhiyuan Foreign Language School"(Overall design of the scheme)

  14. "NanjingChibi Road Primary School Campus Landscape Reconstruction Project"(Overall design of the scheme)

  15. "NanjingKerui Primary School Campus Landscape Design" (Overall designof the scheme)

  16. "NanjingBaochuan Primary School Campus Landscape Design" (Overalldesign of the scheme)

  17. "NanjingQixia Experimental Primary School Campus Landscape Design"(Overall design of the scheme)

  18. "NanjingSanpailou Primary School Environmental Design and Overall CampusCultural Construction" (Overall design of the scheme)

  19. "NanjingForeign Language School Youth Olympic Village Elementary SchoolEnvironmental Design and Campus Overall Cultural Construction"(Overall design of the scheme)

  20. "NanjingUniversity of Information Science and Technology Affiliated PrimarySchool Environment and Campus Overall Cultural Design"(Overall design of the scheme)

  21. "CampusEnvironment Design of Primary School Affiliated to Nanjing AuditInstitute" (Overall design of the scheme)

  22. "NanjingYoufu West Street Primary School Pukou Branch Landscape RenovationProject" (Overall design of the scheme)