
Shang Lianxia

Associate professor, postgraduate supervisor

Academic part-time title:

  • Member of ChinaArtists Association (Theoretical Research)

  • Director of JiangsuXu Beihong Research Association

  • Director of JiangsuArt Research Association

(I)Research Interests:

  • Art Theory

(II) Courses Taught:

  • Courses for postgraduate students: Special Research on Chinese Art History

  • Courses for undergraduate students: Chinese Art Education in the 20th Century, History of Chinese-Foreign Art Exchanges, East and West—Multiple Perspectives of Art

(III) Research Achievements



  1. Monograph Xu Beihongand College Art Education during the Period of Republic of China,Nanjing University Press, 2015.

  2. Annotated translationof Famous Paintings of the Ages, Zhonghua Book Company, 2023.

  3. Edited book The Charmof the Southern Dynasties: Collection of Documents on Cultivation ofTalents in Copying and Sketching of Stone Carvings in the SouthernDynasties and the Protection of Traditional Sculptures, NanjingUniversity Press, 2019.

  4. Edited book DecorationGazetteer, Zhonghua Book Company, 2012.

  5. Edited book Ask 16:101 Interesting Questions about Buddhist Culture, Zhonghua BookCompany, 2009.

  6. Textbook Sculpture andArchitecture, Nanjing Normal University Press, 2005.

Journal Articles

Representative Papers

  1. The Sun Yat-sen BronzeStatue Committee and the Exploration of Sculpture Teaching duringthe Period of the Republic of China, Art Research, Issue 1, 2019.

  2. Co-createdPaintings—the Fusion and Fission of Chinese and Western PaintingForms, Journal of Jinan University (Social Science Edition) Issue 3,2023;

  3. Transition andPenetration: Starting from Jiang Xiaofeng’s Early ArtisticExperience, Art Magazine, Issue 3, 2023;

  4. May Fourth NewCultural Movement and the Establishment of a Scientific System ofChinese Art Education, Art Magazine, Issue 1, 2019.

  5. The Construction andTransformation of Modern Chinese Aesthetic Context and EvaluationSystem—Taking the China International Art Exhibition in Londonduring 1935-1936 as an Example, Journal of Guangxi University(Philosophical and social science edition), Issue 5, 2021;

  6. Integration betweenChina and the West: On the Artistic Style of Relief on the Monumentto the People's Heroes, Journal of Nanjing Academy of Arts, Issue11, 2020;

  7. On the AestheticConnotation of Li Ruiqing’s Artistic Conception of Calligraphy andPainting, Journal of Guangxi University (Philosophical and socialscience edition Edition), Issue 4, 2020;

  8. A Miles Away: On theArtistic Style of Sculpture of Mausoleum Gods and Beasts, HundredSchools in Arts, Issue 11, 2019;

  9. On the Artistic Styleof Angkor Wat Sculpture from the Temple of Zhousa, Journal ofNanjing University of the Arts, Issue 1, 2015;

  10. Modern Chinese-ForeignArt Exchanges and the Development of Art Education, Fujian Tribune,Issue 12, 2014;

  11. Xu Beihong and theCultivation of Modern Chinese Art Talents, Seeker, Issue. 9, 2014;

  12. Introduction to theResearch on the Monuments of Angkor in Cambodia in the Past 30Years, Journal of Nantong University, Issue 6, 2014;

  13. The Development Statusand Trend Outlook of Historical Academic Collections in China,Jiangxi Social Sciences, Issue 5, 2013;

  14. The Characteristicsand Influence of Art Teaching in Central University during thePeriod of the Republic of China, Academia Bimestrie, Issue 6, 2012;

  15. Research on the StyleCharacteristics of Chinese Folk Sculpture—Taking Huishan Clay Figurine as an Example, National Arts, Issue 2, 2011.

Major ResearchProjects

Scientific researchprojects:

  1. Ledthe Researchon Chinese Revolution-themedSculptures(1921-2021)”under the ArtProjectof the National Social Science Fund of China(Project number: 22BF083), 2022—;

  2. Ledthe “Researchon XuBeihong and Central University Art Education”under the project of JiangsuHumanities and Social Sciences Youth Fund(Project number: 13YSC014), 2014-2017;

  3. Ledthe “Cultivationof Talents in Copying and Sketching of Stone Carvings in theSouthern Dynasties” under the talent cultivation project of ChinaNational Art Fund (Projectnumber: 2019A04087), 2019;

  4. Ledthe horizontal topic Academic Forum (project number: 0121151002),2015;

  5. Participatedin the “Researchon the AngkorSculpture ArtinCambodia”under the art project of the National Social Science Fund of Chinaas the first member (Projectnumber: 13CB108), 2013-2020;

  6. Participatedin the“Research on the Origin of Modern Chinese Academic System and ArtEducation” under the social science project of the Ministry ofEducation asthe first member (Project number: 19YJA760041), 2019— ;

  7. Ledthe XuBeihong and Art Education of Central University”under the youth project of Nanjing University, 2012;

  8. Ledthe “Researchon ArtisticSymbols of Yunnan Folk Art”under the school-level project of Nanjing University, 2015;

  9. Ledthe “Researchon Cultural CreativeProductsof StoneCarvingin SouthernDynasties”under the creativeindustry support project of Nanjing University, 2019;

Education reformproject:

  1. Led the Special Topicon Chinese Art History under the “Three One Hundred”high-quality postgraduate courses construction project of NanjingUniversity, 2022.

(IV) Award and Honor

  1. Won the first prize ofthe “17th Jiangsu Province Outstanding Achievement Award inPhilosophy and Social Sciences” in 2022;

  2. Won the “IntegratedTeaching Award of Nanjing University” in 2022;

  3. Won the first prize ofthe second “Jiangsu Zijin Literary Criticism Award” in 2016;

  4. Won the “OriginalNomination Award for Humanities Research by Young Teachers ofNanjing University” in 2015;

  5. Won the “OutstandingAcademic Advisor Award” issued by Jiangsu Provincial ArtPostgraduate Education Steering Committee in 2022;

  6. Won the first prize inthe Art Education Science Paper Competition of the first JiangsuCollege Students’ Art Exhibition in 2005;

  7. Won the “Xu BeihongAward” of Jiangsu Xu Beihong Research Association in 2013;

  8. Named an “OutstandingCPC Member” by the Teaching and Scientific Research PartyCommittee directly under Nanjing University in 2018;

  9. Praised by NanjingUniversity in the excellence selection activity within the party in2013.