
Yuan Shuai

Special Associate Research Fellow


Calligraphyaesthetics Etc.

(II)Courses Taught:


1Researchon Appreciation of Chinese Painting and Calligraphy

2Artand Culture Research of Zisha Craft

3HumanitiesStudies in the Visual Arts

4AestheticEducation and Appreciation

InternationalStudent Course

1Introductionto Chinese CultureChineseCalligraphy


(III)Research Achievements:



1AStudy on the Causes of Forceful Beautify of Female Calligraphy Stylein the Republic of China, Taipei: Mulan Publishing House, March 2022.


1SurfaceImages From the Mirrors of Water of the Moon:  Different Facsimilesand Styles of Huai Su’s Self-Narrative, Taipei: Institute of ArtHistory, Taiwan University, March 2019.



1"Onthe Cross-media Performativity of Chinese Calligraphy: Start with MiFu's the Coral", Yi Shu Bai Jia, 2022(1), pp.24-31, 177.

2"FromWhat and How to Why: On the orientation of empathy in art education",Zhong Guo Yu Wen, 2021(9), pp.109-119.

3"Onthe Innovation of Zisha Culture Inheritance Strategy withComprehensive Education", Tao Ci, 2021(8), pp.155-156;

4"ExpressionVs. Disclosure: On the Spiritual Content and the Style of Brush andInk", Dui Lian, 2021(10), pp.45-46;

5"OnCai Wei Zhi Yuan and Taoye Feiye", Qing Nian Wen Xue Jia,2021(12), pp. 118-119;

6"Rethinkingof the Discussion on Calligraphy Aesthetics: ‘From Fuxi and Cangjieto New English Calligraphy", Proceedings of the 16th Pre-Qin andHan International Symposium, Nov. 2019, pp. 56-79;

7"FromContext Backtracking to Semantics Cognition: RevisitingInterpretations of Liuxie’s Wen Xin Diao Long", Fu Jen Journalof Chinese Languages. No.46, 2018(4).

8"Junzi wu qi, ji jin hu tao—-Argumentation for Weng Fanggang'sAesthetic Ideas on Regular Script". Kong Meng Monthly Journal.No.56, Apr.2018

9"ADiscussion on Liuxie’s One-dimensionality of Fenggu——TheDilemma of the Wording of Literature Theory. Included in the 5th BothShores and Six Universities Post-graduate Guoxue Advanced SeminarSelected Papers.


(IV)Major Research Projects


1JiangsuProvincial University Philosophy and Social Science Research MajorProject "Research on the Aesthetic System of Cross-border DanceBased on Visual Perception Theory", 2018SJZDI154;

2TheMinistry of Education's cultural inheritance project "Constructionof Nanjing University Zisha Art Inheritance Base";

3NationalSocial Science Fund General Project "Research on Spatial Thoughtin the Context of Philosophy of Art in the 20th Century",16BZX117;

4NationalSocial Science Fund Major Project of Art Science, "TransmediaConstruction of Art Theory and Research on Knowledge", 20ZD26


(V)Award and Honor

1TheFirst Jiangsu Provincial Art Teachers' Basic Skills Exhibition,Second Prize for All-around Players"2021

2ExcellentForeign Students Scholarship, Fu Jen Catholic University, 2015;

3Excellentstudent of the fifth Dictionary Compilation Workshop in NationalAcademy for Educational Research, Jul.2018

4OutstandingGraduate Students, Nanjing University, 2014;

5OutstandingPost-graduate Students, Nanjing University, 2013;

6OutstandingStudents Scholarship, Nanjing University, 2012;

7NationalEncouragement Scholarship;

8UniversityScholarship, First Price for 3 times, Third Price for 2 times;


(VI)Curations and Exhibitions


1"KneadingSoil into Utensils—Permanent Exhibition of Zisha CultureInheritance Base of the Ministry of Education of Nanjing University":September 2020, 207-1, Basic Laboratory Building A, Xianlin Campus,Nanjing University;

2Scribbling:The artistic Understanding of Scribbling from Tang up until now.(Planning). Expected date: Apri.2019; Library of Taiwan University.1st Floor.

3DunQu—— Calligraphy Exhibition for Sun Yongzhong. 7-14th, Mar.2018.Art Institute of Fu Jen Catholic University, Fu Jen Art Gallery.

4YingMing Qiu You—— Calligraphy Exhibition and Thematic Seminar forProf. Huang Zhengming. “Calligraphy Status under Multi-culturalCulture.” 13th Jun.2017; Art Institute of Fu Jen CatholicUniversity, Fu Jen Art Gallery.

5Hundredsof Paintings into Campus— An Exhibition for High Imitation. 1-7th,Nov.2011; Library of Nanjing University, 1st floor. This exhibitionwas awarded as “Ten Best Art Exhibitions in Jiangsu Province”.


1"Gorgeous Brilliance of Purple Jade" in celebration of the 120thanniversary of Nanjing University - Zisha Exhibition of Lumen Masterand Disciple: June 2022, Exhibition Hall on the 1st Floor of the EastBuilding of the Gulou Campus of Nanjing University.

22pieces of works donated with the exhibition: Zisha engraved andpainted hanging plate "Cursive Script Tuan Fan" and"Osmanthus Twig Picture", collected by the School of Art ofNanjing University.
