
Ding Shanshan

Professor,Ph.D. Supervisor

Academic Services

-Council member, Film History Committee, Chinese Collegial Associationfor Visual Arts

-Member, Jiangsu Province Advisory Committee on School AestheticEducation

Research Interests

ChineseFilm History


-The Secrets of  Film (A general education course for undergraduatestudents)

-Chinese Film History (A core course for undergraduate students)

-Appreciation of the Chinese Classic Films (An elective course forundergraduate students)

-Analysis of Genre Films (An elective course for undergraduatestudents)

-Special Topics in Film Art (A course for Master's degree students)

-Learning to Write A Good Article on Art (A course for Master's degreestudents)

-ThesisWriting Workshop (A course for Ph.D. students)

Academic Achievements


1. Zhou Anhua,DingShanshan&Qin Yi.(2022).Film Literature Collection of the Republicof China era(56 volumes). Beijing:National Library of ChinaPublishing House.

2. DingShanshan.(2017).ADraft History of Chinese Film Journals,1921-1949. Beijing:China FilmPress.

3. DingYaping.(2016).General History of Chinese Film(2 volumes).Beijing:China Film Press. (responsible for the 1937-1945 section)

4. DingYaping.(2015).Illustrated History of Chinese Film(1896-2015).Beijing:Culture and Art Publishing House.(responsible for the1930-1950 section)

5. Subeditorof "China Encyclopedia:Film"(Director Volume).

Selected Research Articles

1. DingShanshan.(2016).TheScreening of “Internal Reference Film” and its Influence on NewChina Film.Literature & Art Studies(08),103-114.

2. DingShanshan.(2013).Lightsand Shadows onPaper:Film Journals and the Writing of Early Chinese Film History.Literature & Art Studies(05),72-80.

3. DingShanshan.(2010).TheEditorial Concept of Diansheng and Its Significance in Chinese FilmHistory. Literature & Art Studies(11),87-97.

Research Projects

1.2018: "Research on the Visual Transmission of Contemporary 'RedClassics',"funded by the National Social Science Foundation (Project number:18CZW042). Principal Investigator (ongoing).

2.2014: "Research on the Nanjing School’s study of Film andTelevision in the Republic of China era", Jiangsu ProvincialHumanities and Social Sciences key project (project number:14YSA002).Principal Investigator (completed).

3.2012: "Film Journalsand Chinese Film History", a Humanities and Social SciencesYouth project funded by the National Ministry of Education (projectnumber: 12YJC760014). Principal Investigator (completed).


1.Youth Achievement Award, the 8th Science Research Famous AchievementAward in Higher Institution (Humanities and Social Sciences section),2020.

2.Third place prize, Jiangsu Province 15th Philosophy and SocialSciences Famous Achievement Award, 2018.