Recently, the English edition of Cultural Representation and Cultural Studies (《文化表征与文化研究》) , authored by Zhou Xian, professor of the School of Arts, Nanjing University, was published by the world renowned publisher Routledge. Professor Zhou holds the prestigious Changjiang Distinguished Professorship by the Ministry of Education, is recognized as a Distinguished Professor of Humanities and Social Sciences of Nanjing University.
The Chinese version of the title was published in the first and revised editions by Peking University Press and Shanghai People's Publishing House. With the application of Nanjing University Press, the title was selected for the Chinese Academic Translation Project by the National Social Science Foundation. The English edition underwent significant adjustments based on the original Chinese version, with a particular focus on exploring contemporary Chinese cultural issues.
The whole book consists of four parts including the introduction and the main chapters. The introduction covers the overall conception of the book and the arrangement of its research themes. The theme of the first part is the historical morphology of culture, focusing on the analysis of the morphological evolution from classical culture to modern culture, especially highlighting the logical transformation from the unity of classical culture to the differentiation of modern culture. The second part examines Chinese culture in the context of globalization, and discusses cultural identity, sinology, cross-cultural understanding and the impact of globalization on cultural identity. The third part delves into media culture and daily life, and analyzes the contemporary evolution of Chinese folk culture, micro-culture, immersive reading to browsing reading, critical rationality, and the aestheticization of daily life. The last part focuses on the study of visual culture in social transformation, discussing the Chinese issues of visual culture, reading texts to reading pictures, spectacle films, pop iconography, and urban space practices.
The basic thesis of the book is that China's contemporary social transformation has given rise to contemporary Chinese culture, and that as a product and witness of social transformation, contemporary Chinese culture embodies a unique feature of cultural modernity, namely, the dialectic between the cultural construction of social modernization and the social construction of cultural modernity. It is the dialectic of interaction between society and culture that leads to social change and cultural evolution, and therefore cultural questions must ultimately be answered in interaction with society.
This book was awarded the Second Prize of the Ministry of Education's Award for Outstanding Achievements in Scientific Research in Higher Education Institutions (Humanities and Social Sciences) in 2002, and was selected as a source book of the Chinese Book Citation Index (CBKCI) by the Institute for Chinese Social Sciences Research and Assessment (CSSCI) of Nanjing University in 2016. Professor Dan Hansong from the English Department at Nanjing University's School of Foreign Studies undertook the English translation of this title, which comprises 130,000 words across 276 pages. Notably, Professor Richard Wolin of City University of New York, Professor Scott Lash of Oxford University, and Professor Carole Talon-Hugon of Sorbonne University have spoken highly of the book's scholarly contribution.
日前,完美体育-完美体育app-完美体育官网 教授、教育部****特聘教授、南京大学人文社会科学资深教授周宪所著的《文化表征与文化研究》的英文版Cultural Representation and Cultural Studies由国际知名的劳特里奇出版社(Routledge)正式出版发行。
本书曾获教育部高等学校科学研究优秀成果奖(人文社会科学)二等奖(2002),入选南京大学社会科学评价中心(CSSCI)《中文学术图书引文索引》(CBKCI)来源图书(2016)。此书英译由南京大学外国语学院英语系但汉松教授担纲,全书英文13万字,276页。美国纽约市立大学的沃林(Richard Wolin)教授、英国牛津大学拉什(Scott Lash)教授和法国索邦大学塔隆-于贡(Carole Talon-Hugon)教授对本书做了高度评价。