Title: Associate Researcher
Education and Degree: PhD in Art Theory, Zhejiang University
E-mail: [email protected]
Research Interests
History of Sino-Tibetan Buddhist art
Art history of the Silk Road
Courses Taught
The Multi-Ethnic Art History of the Silk Road (Forthcoming)
Research Achievements
Co-edited Book
Compilation of Tibetan Art: Sculpture Art, Jiangnan Volume (Zangzu Meishu Jicheng· Diaosu Yishu· Jiangnanjuan),Jisheng Xie, Rufei Luo and Shuchun Zhu (eds.), Chengdu: Sichuan Ethnic Publishing House, 2019.
Journal Articles
“A Study on the Image of Bhavacakra on the Western Wall of the Corridor in Zhag Cave in rTsa mDa’, mNga’ Ris, Tibet”, in Dunhuang Research, 2022, vol. 6, pp.35-48. (CSSCI)
“A Study of the Dunhuang Thousand Buddhas Painting from National Library Collection”, in The World Religious Cultures, 2022, vol. 4, pp.128-134. (CSSCI)
“A Study of the Bhadrakalpika Bodhisattva Murals and Related Issues in Dung dKar Cave2, mNga’ Ris, Tibet”, in The Study of Art History, vol. 26, Guangzhou: Sun Yat-sen University Press, 2021, pp. 217-244. (CSSCI)
Major Research Projects
Chair of “Research on Cave and Temple Remains in Western Tibet (10th–13th Centuries) from a Multi-Ethnic Silk Road Perspective” (23CZS024), funded by Youth Project of the National Social Science Fund of China.
Participant of “A History of Tibetan Art” (15ZDB120), funded by Major Project of the National Social Science Fund of China.
Participant of “Compilation and Research of Chinese Art Archaeology Data”(21ZD09), funded by Major project in Art Science of the National Social Science Fund of China.
Participant of “A History of Civilization Among Chinese, Tibetan and other Ethnic Groups from the 7th to 13th Century” (14ZDA11), funded by Major Project of the Beijing Social Science Fund.
“Rites of Atonement and the End Times: Thousand Buddha Images in the Silk Road Caves and Temples”, part of the Ouluo Lecture Series hosted by the Museum of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, delivered on July 6, 2024.
“A Preliminary Research on Murals of Thousand Buddhas in Tibet: Starting with the Zhag Cave at Be sDong of rTsa mDa’ County of mNga’ Ris Prefecture in Western Tibet”, part of the lecture series “Visual and Material Perspectives on East Asia,” hosted by the Department of Art History, University of Chicago, delivered on March 5, 2020.