
The Department of Art and Design was established on the basis ofthe former Academy of Fine Arts of Nanjing University. In 1998, theInstitute of Sculpture Art was established in Nanjing University. Thefine arts education of Nanjing University, which had been suspendedfor nearly half a century, finally ushered in a revival at the end ofthe 20th century. In 2000, the Academy of Fine Arts was founded witha master's degree in fine arts. It focuses on quality rather thanvolume, expandssteadilyand strives for excellence. In 2005, it became one of the firstnational MFA training institutions.

Thereare 12 full-time teachers, 4 professors (including 1 correspondingacademician of the French Academy of Arts, 2 doctoral supervisors), 4associate professors and 7 master supervisors,andmorethan 10 experts in fine arts at home and abroad are employed asadjunct professors.

Asa teaching and research institution, the Department of Fine Arts andDesign is mainly engaged in the cultivation of academic andprofessional postgraduate students and the provision of culturalquality education for all students. Master's degree in Fine artsincludes six research directions: sculpture, oil painting,traditionalChinese painting, calligraphy and seal cutting, decorative design andart history.Previous graduate students of the department have wonimportant national awards during their studies, and their works havebeen selected into national exhibitions held by the Chinese ArtistsAssociation and the Chinese Calligraphy Association, and participatedin the National Major historical Theme Art Creation Project,and published more than 600 papers and paintings.

The department has obtained a total of 30 projects at or above theprovincial level (including 10 projects funded by The National SocialScience Fund of China and 2Art majorprojects of The National Social Science Fund of China), published 50academic monographs (including translated works and paintings), andpublished more than 200 papers in core journals at home and abroad.Atthe same time, the department has hosted or participated in more thanten important domestic and foreign academic seminars and madespeeches and thesis statements, held solo exhibitions at home andabroad for many times, and participated in important exhibitioncompetitions at home and abroad, and won 29 major awards respectively(twoof themwas reported by CCTV program Son of the East, twoof themwere selected as 333 Project Leader of the province. Oneof them won the Zijin Cultural Medal of Jiangsu Province. Manyprofessors of the department have won gold, silver and bronze awardsin national art exhibitions. They have also held solo exhibitions inNational Museums and National Art Museums of China and touredoverseas for many times.

Adheringto the fine traditions of eachwithits own beauty and harmony in diversity, thedepartment strives to build a collaborative and cohesive teaching,creation and research team.